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No nav to nav and AP flying way left on ILS final - video attached

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Working on Nav to Nav transfer. I have flown this 4 times in the last few days. Only once did I get the blue ghost needles. From TOAK to Silex it won't descend to 3700?  Captured ILS and it flew way left of course?  Auto Throttle keeps popping out of SPEED mode on final. Would love to have someone review the flight and let me know. I have conquered pilot and co in the correct FMS/LOC modes but even with that it didn't transfer. Thanks in advance for the help. 

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8 hours ago, Lauramks2 said:

Auto Throttle keeps popping out of SPEED mode on final.

Something made the right engine spool up to over 50% N1. When there's a split between the engines of 13% or greater the ATS disengages automatically. (In the start of the video the controls are jittering all over the place making me think the hardware controlling them is very noisy, might be related.)

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8 hours ago, Lauramks2 said:

From TOAK to Silex it won't descend to 3700?

There's no reason for it to. Going back to the FMS LEGS page you can see the constraints are 4600A, 3700A, etc. This reflects the altitudes on the chart being safe minimums, one is not expected to "dive-and-drive" anymore. You can see the TOD is just ahead of SILEX, that's where the 3 degree FMS glide path (not slope!) from the runway intercepts the current altitude (4600 feet). After approach was engaged and it switched to LOC guidance it was waiting to intercept the glide slope (GS was armed), you didn't have to do anything other than wait.

8 hours ago, Lauramks2 said:

Only once did I get the blue ghost needles.

In the video you're in PPOS map mode, you're only going to see ghost needles in ROSE mode.

8 hours ago, Lauramks2 said:

Captured ILS and it flew way left of course?

Seemed fine on capture? If you're referring to later in the approach this all comes down to the right engine going way up in N1 (multiple times) and hence a huge yaw moment being present, which the autopilot tried admirably to counteract, but there's only so much it can do. (Maybe there's some wild rudder input from the noisy hardware too.) Also appears that the rudder and aileron trim aren't centered. I wouldn't be surprised in the low FPS also came into play with the flight control laws and physics going into time dilation.

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On 7/26/2024 at 8:39 PM, Pils said:

Do you have multiple monitors? There appears to be a lot going on "off-screen". (Also, oof that FPS.)

Yes, I have a three screen setup and I use the pop up controls to make changes easier but the recording only captures the center screen. 

FPS on most other aircraft is in the 30's. The challenger eats up a lot of FPS. I have had this computer for a couple of years and it was primed for XP11. Even at this FPS it seems to be realistic to me. 


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On 7/26/2024 at 8:47 PM, Pils said:

Something made the right engine spool up to over 50% N1. When there's a split between the engines of 13% or greater the ATS disengages automatically. (In the start of the video the controls are jittering all over the place making me think the hardware controlling them is very noisy, might be related.)

I like these little AHA moments. Nice to know about the 13% split. One issue I had yesterday was I ran the onboard copilot checklist function. I like how I can click down the checklist and have the copilot work the switches. Twice now, I have gotten to the last part of the landing checklist when the copilot started running the go-around checklist which starts with N1-TO. Suddenly my approach is thrown for a loop and I don't have an easy way to stop the checklist from proceeding. Obviously something I am doing is triggering this so I record the flights to self debrief and figure out what is going on. 

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Pils:  Thanks you for all the help. 

Rose Mode:  I ran into this before and I can see I have forgotten what that looks like. I thought I was it in. I am working on setting up the memory functions. Those seem really helpful. I have set the copilot up so that I get the checklist on one, the summary page on 2 and a full screen on 3. That helps as I also like to see the chart on the CP side. I will set my Mem 1 so I get the approach in rose mode. 

I will watch again and try to figure out why the boost in power on one side. I have flown a number of approaches with SPEED engaged and the needles totally centered all the way down final. That is always joyful. I have battled with the ATS a lot on final. Something I am doing is kicking it off. If I see the speed getting slow, i put the throttles up a bit, disengage the FD and reengage the ATS. All that takes time and destabilizes the approach. 

I super appreciate the time it takes for your review of the video. It helps a bunch. I am getting more comfortable with this aircraft and the depth of the systems makes it fun to learn. 

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On 8/1/2024 at 6:16 PM, Lauramks2 said:

Yes, I have a three screen setup and I use the pop up controls to make changes easier but the recording only captures the center screen. 

If the extra monitors are setup as 2D in X-Plane may want to try changing to Unused. Might get better performance.

On 8/1/2024 at 6:16 PM, Lauramks2 said:

. The challenger eats up a lot of FPS.

The GPU is very overloaded on your system.

Edited by Pils
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46 minutes ago, Lauramks2 said:

disengage the FD and reengage the ATS

At that point maybe best to leave the ATS disengaged, once things go sideways better to fly the aircraft yourself and not worry about the automation “going haywire”, if that makes sense.

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On 8/1/2024 at 6:21 PM, Lauramks2 said:

I like these little AHA moments. Nice to know about the 13% split. One issue I had yesterday was I ran the onboard copilot checklist function. I like how I can click down the checklist and have the copilot work the switches. Twice now, I have gotten to the last part of the landing checklist when the copilot started running the go-around checklist which starts with N1-TO. Suddenly my approach is thrown for a loop and I don't have an easy way to stop the checklist from proceeding. Obviously something I am doing is triggering this so I record the flights to self debrief and figure out what is going on. 

You can cancel the F/O actions from the Challenger 650 top menu. You should check the bindings you have for anything related to TO/GA (take-off/go-around), and remove them all to avoid this as a source of issues. In particular the default sim/autopilot/take_off_go_around should NOT be used.

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