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No Approach warning light on pfd

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I was flying a flight plan into Burbank CA and had loaded the ILS Z approach. I got near TOAKS and pushed the APPR button to kick into approach mode. In the photo you can see SILEX which is the next point on the approach so I know it was loaded in. I got the white No APPR message on the PFD and the Autopilot kicked off. I have done this twice and it won't sequence to green needles on this approach automatically. I also saw a No Sequence warning along the way as well. 

It is somewhat challenging because yesterday I flew 3 approaches to KVNY next door. It always sequenced to green needed and flew the ILS. Could it just be this airport? On the approach you can see it doesn't follow the LOC very well. This last photo is just before landing. It went almost full scale deflection then corrected at the last moment toward the runway. 


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Did any of these apply?

  1. APPR button is pressed before the FMS has completed the NAV-to-NAV set up.
  2. The navigation radio does not tune to the required frequency.
  3. FMS is deselected and then re-selected as the navigation source after the Nav-to-Nav set up has completed and Approach mode has been selected.
  4. The approach is selected into the flight plan in the terminal area when the Approach mode is active, FMS is not the navigation source, and FMS is re-selected as the navigation source.

Are you on the Hot Start Discord? In future it may be easier to troubleshoot these issues in "real time" with the community.

Edited by Pils
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I tried this approach in the V1.8 beta (highly recommended!), and was not able to replicate a NO APPR condition using standard procedures. There may be an inconsistency with the earlier implementation of the terminal area approach logic.

However, a couple of tips when using Collins Pro Line avionics that are different from Boeing or Airbus:

  1. When performing an ILS (or LOC) approach, coming from FMS navigation, it is advised not to arm approach (APPR) before being inbound to the glideslope intercept point (or FAF when on a LOC approach), and established on the final approach course. In the case of ILS Z 08 at BUR, that's the point roughly 2nm before BUDDE (or BUDDE itself for LOC). One can arrive at this point using LNAV/VPATH (or VVS if desired). This is especially important at some airports with multiple step-downs on the intermediate approach segment, and there's an outside air temperature that can cause altimetry errors sufficient for the glideslope to be below these constraints.
  2. If on vectors from ATC (or self-vectoring) using heading select (HDG), then one should limit one's intercept angle to the localizer to ~30 degrees, and not to arm approach when too far laterally from the localizer as otherwise a false beam capture may occur.

Hope that helps.

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22 hours ago, Pils said:

Did any of these apply?

  1. APPR button is pressed before the FMS has completed the NAV-to-NAV set up.
  2. The navigation radio does not tune to the required frequency.
  3. FMS is deselected and then re-selected as the navigation source after the Nav-to-Nav set up has completed and Approach mode has been selected.
  4. The approach is selected into the flight plan in the terminal area when the Approach mode is active, FMS is not the navigation source, and FMS is re-selected as the navigation source.

Are you on the Hot Start Discord? In future it may be easier to troubleshoot these issues in "real time" with the community.

I have a discord account but only have worked with the PilotEdge folks. I will find the HotStart group and connect. 
Reviewing your reply, I am guessing one or more of those happened. I set up a plan from KVNY to KBUR so that I could practice multiple approaches. My goal was to fly the ILS to BUR then go missed approach down to VTU and hold. I would then open up the LEGS and go DIR to TOAKS for the next approach. On the way to TOAKS I would click on APPR and expect to fly the approach again. My guess is that since I am inside the 31 mile NAV to NAV, that it doesn't recognize I am doing the approach again? 

The issues you point out may be something I am doing inadvertently. I have been recording my approaches to watch in detail what I am doing. This was really helpful to know. I found today that if I add in the APPR to my flight plan and then delete the discontinuity by copying the IAF point above the discontinuity, it seems to forget that the following points are part of an approach and treats it like an extended flight plan. 
Is that a known issue? 

On my approach to KOXR (ILS) today, I noticed that it wouldn't auto tune the ILS freq.  Once I put it in preselect, it caught up and started the approach. Lots to watch out for coming in to an airport. 


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26 minutes ago, Lauramks2 said:

I will find the HotStart group and connect.


28 minutes ago, Lauramks2 said:

I would then open up the LEGS and go DIR to TOAKS for the next approach. On the way to TOAKS I would click on APPR and expect to fly the approach again. My guess is that since I am inside the 31 mile NAV to NAV, that it doesn't recognize I am doing the approach again? 

I'm not sure, to be honest. In that scenario a manual nav source switch may be required. I'll try it in the beta. Do you publish video of the issues you mentioned?

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Is there no other way than Discord to get access to the Challenger beta?

I've never ever been on Discord (an age thing, I guess ...), and created an account with them just for the sole purpose of getting into the HotStart group, only to find that for some reason, I cannot join, no matter what invitation link I get sent by you (thanks again for the patience, Pils).

I even tried to delete and re-create the Discord account, upon which I was banned from Discord because they thought it to be "suspicious activity".

Not happy with Discord.

Edited by bpcw0001
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  • 2 weeks later...

PILS:   Awesome. thanks a ton for the videos. One thing that caught my eye to start with is how you set up your MFD's/PFD's. Apparently I have to be in the ROSE presentation to see the dashed lines of the upcoming switch to the ILS course and green needles? I have yet to see them even though I saw them on other videos. I may have solved one mystery. 

I have set mine up so that I am in PPOS. I like how you set up the copilot MFD for a bigger presentation to include the airspace. I am working to find the combinations I like and getting them into the memory locations so I can quickly set up what I need. I am still working to learn the ATS and the VNAV systems. I have been using Garmin G1000 on a Phenom 300 and that seemed intuitive and easy to follow and change. Collins is by far more capable and sophisticated and with that comes a steep learning curve. Watching the videos is instructive and I will try and record my flight and see if I can duplicate it. Thanks for all the help. Laura :-) 

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