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Where is the Flight Director trying to take me?

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I was flying an ILS into Burbank CA and the autopilot kicked off. I had passed through the final approach course and was going back but the FD wants to go the opposite way. What nav point is driving the FD and is there a way to tell. This seems to happen a lot. I know where I want to go and the FD has a mind of it's own. 


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Sometimes I have to laugh!  

I had lost the ATS and the only way to reset that I knew about was to disconnect the FD, push TOGA and get it back. Operator error. This is the first aircraft (real or sim) that had a TOGA button for me to play with. The fun for me is playing with all these new toys and trying to figure out what they do. I am finding more good documentation which is shortening my learning curve. :-) Thanks for the help. It is valuable. 

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