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JRollonPlanes' German division has new headquarters


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Hey folks,

this is Philipp, reporting for X-Pilot out of the new German headquarters, where rapid progress is made on the way to world domination.

No, just kiddin'. You might have noticed I have much longer latency in forum postings, PNs and emails during the last few weeks - and this is why.

I've relocated my place in the greater Frankfurt area, now living roughly at EDDF/360/3.5. I moved in with my girlfriend, and we are slowly re-compiling our stuff to form a new household.

With her parents and a very helpful fellow we moved my stuff (basically a desk, a few computers, a few books, lots of cables) and her stuff (a truckload of clothes, plus some neglect-able other things) to the new place over the last few days. Actually, her stuff included a washing machine, a device weighing approximately 50kg, which we carried up three flights of stairs (no elevator in the new house).

Thanks to Martin, Marit and Jörg (no, not dr.coolgood, another Jörg) for helping us moving our stuff so quickly, you all did a terrific job!

Now I've erected my desk and set-up the internet connection: 50MBit/s VDSL. Works marvelous with the new router I bought, and now I can upload CRJ updates at more than 50 times the speed I had in my old apartment.

So this is the new place I work from, as you can see all my books and stuff is still packaged. But that's nothing compared to ....

2012-03-04 17.16.24.jpg

... this is what our kitchen looks like right now. Way to go.

2012-03-04 17.16.42.jpg

So this continues to be on my agenda for the next weeks, while I try to be as responsive as possible here.

Now I'm off to find my teapot and kettle in this mess...


Edited by philipp
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Sigh. I have to move my setup again, because the sun is so bright (my window points roughly to southwest) in the afternoon that I'm blinded and can see almost nothing on my screen. Dammit, another room-reorganization is necessary.

So far, we made great progress with the kitchen. The appliances are connected, the fridge is full, the plates and forks have found their place. The lamps are in place, the bathroom cabinet is on the wall, her clothes are in her wardrobe (I checked the maximum allowed area loading of the floor before) and our network printer is working (this IS a geeky household).

Now re-arranging my room to solve the sun problem.


Edited by philipp
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He must have HDR Enabled.

"her clothes are in her wardrobe (I checked the maximum allowed area loading of the floor before)"... LOL Just noticed that... (gotta read between the lines).

Did you check with the fire marshall that the number of shoes doesn't violate local zoning ordinance?

- CK.

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