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[CLOSED] Xp crash when selcting an SID


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It seems that there is a bug, when you have x-plane installed in a long chain of characters direction. For example.. if you have in C:/x-plane there is no problem but if you have it in C:/users/my name is blablablalbla/games of system/simulators that I love/incredible simulators/x-plane (welll maybe it have not to be so long :) )

Then the plane don't catch the navigation.

Meanwhile the testers are testing the new 1.4.2 if you want.. you can install the demo of xplane in a more short direction.. so you can try..... Or just move the whole x-plane to a new direction (there is no problem moving the whole X-Plane folder.. will work. Only if you move the whole x-plane.. not only parts)

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Hi Rene,

If it's physically installed to the desktop, that address, if your in windows, will look like this.

This was mine before I changed it: "C:\Users\Glen\Desktop\X-Plane 10"

This is where the problem lies, that address is too long in length. To do a test, you can rename your "X-Plane 10" folder on your desktop to just "X". That is what I did, now it works fine.



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Yep, that was a particularly stupid bug over which I now owe Jörg Hermann a bottle of wine.

Long story short: There once was some code written in FORTRAN, with some limitations, some guy ported it to C, another one to C++, finally some young enthusiast CRJ programmer incorporated it in the FMS and overlooked a little limitation still there from the FORTRAN days...

This is fixed with the 1.4.2 update, which should be up in a couple of hours.

Then you can move X-Plane back to wherever you like.


Edited by philipp
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