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[SOLVED] Route data discrepancy - still problem


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Guys, there is still an issue, I tought it was solved, but it's not.

Screen shot one, flight plan entered, departure runway selected, distance to destination showing correct, 275-6NM.


Screen shot two, FMS showing actual plan, distance from aircrafts current location to the destination on the FMS is correct 197NM, the distance to destination on the MFD is not correct 237NM. That's a frozen snapshot in time, how can the FMS show 197NM and the MFD shows 237NM.


Screen shot three and four show the remaining waypoints (Act Legs pages 1 & 2). If you add the shown distances remaining it is close, the distance on the MFD is not. The map view of the MFD shows the same waypoints.


Something with the MFD math (distance) is not correct. The math (distance) that displays on the FMS is fine, hope that makes sense.


Edit: Yesterday when I thought it was ok, I never actually did a flight, I just confirmed the shown distance to destination from the departure airport. Screen shot two now confirms there is an issue (something's odd), this is from an actual flight.

Edited by Muskoka
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Cameron, no SIDS, no STARS, simple route from CYXU to CYOW.

Here it is, YXU V98 YYZ J586 YCF LANRK

Here's two screen shots from xp 9.7...I don't make these up....

First is with the route loaded, Runway 9 selected, distance shows correct.


Second shot is after restarting XP, exact same procedure, Runway 27 selected, distance is not correct (on the MFD).


I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time, I just want to fly. But there is someting wrong in the data or the way the CRJ is using the data, I don't know, but it's repeatable in XP 9.7 and XPX.


Edit: And even when it does show the correct distance from the departing airport, it doesn't calculate the distance to destination properly (count down) enroute. When I'm at LANRK which is 40 some odd NM from CYOW the MFD says I still have close to 150 to go. LANRK and CYOW are the only remaining waypoints, there are no more.

Edited by Muskoka
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More shots from XPX,

Sitting on Runway 15 at CYXU ready to go, distance to CYOW is correct, 275 NM.


Just after takeoff, making the turn to intercept the route, I've travelled 1 NM. Now look what the distance to destination is, 289 NM. You'll notice that HALBY has gone from 15 NM to 14 NM, that's correct, why has the distance to destination jumped from 275 NM to 289 NM, and I'm 1 NM into the route.



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I'm glad to inform you that I found the underlying issue - the FMC was recalculating the total distance constantly, but updating the remaining distance to the MFD only at a waypoint - so everytime you just crossed a waypoint (or were sitting on the departure runway) the distance was momentarily shown correct, and with increasing distance into the leg, the error would grow.

I fixed this now, and it will make it into another small update that will correct this along with some other little annoyances.


Edited by philipp
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