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X-Plane 11.55r2 Crash to Desktop Out of Memory


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Good afternoon all,

Last month I experienced my very first CTD because of an Out of Memory issue. It's really bizarre because I did not change the graphics settings nor had I installed anything as I recall. I treated it as a one-off occurance, today I had the exact same issue - this time after setting up the aircraft and taxiing to the runway, On rotation from EDDK in the IniBuilds A300 I received the following:


X-Plane is totally out of memory. Next time, turn down your rendering settings or remove add-ons to avoid this problem. If you cannot restart X-Plane you may have to delete your preferences, found in the Output folder.


Please find attached: 


I'm not particularly willing to lower settings because it's totally out of character and something is causing the crash as opposed to just running out of memory, I cannot figure out anything obvious. It's as you can imagine incredibly frustrating

This error appears multiple times prior to the crash, however I'm unsure if its it's related - nor how to rectify if so

0:46:59.418 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod_container.cpp(274): FMOD error 74 - The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.

Your help is appreciated! 

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