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XP11 Airports


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I found two airports not in xp11. KHSG - Hot Springs County airport, Wyoming. And KSXK - Sioux County Regional Airport, Iowa.

I have created KHSG , useing WED. And working on KSXK. No AI or ATC. But useable.

I do not keep track of the scenery libraries I use. Will not upload to X-Pilot.com.

Edited by Rick310
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  • 1 month later...

I have just finished the KSXK airport scenery. Looks great. This airport is not in X-Plane 11. I created the airport scenery from scatch.

LR did a great job with the program WED. User friendly and with all the scenery libraries installed, you can make airport sceneries look great.

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I continue to modify small airports in Alaska. X-plane Scernery Gateway forgets to add the ramps to small airports. And Google maps even shows the ramp connected to the runway. If your going to create an airport make it look like the real world airport, as best you can.

I have created and modified so many airports in X-plane 11, I may never switch to x-plane 12. I get x-plane 12 I would have to start over with all the airports I have modified or created. And will the scenery libraries for x-plane 11 work in xp12?

For me xp11 is problem free. XP11 ROCKS!! XP12 ????????

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A lot of airstrips on the gateway are still "2D" from the time when the gateway was created - which means they have a runway roughly placed based on airport meta data, but no taxiway network, markings or buildings. Whether Google maps has this info or not is irrelevant; as long as no human has laid hand on these sceneries, they're really bare-bone.

If done right with a recent version of WED, re-exporting the xml file into an XP12 format shouldn't be that big of an issue. Libraries could, if you use some really old stuff (particularly when vegetation or ground polygons such as asphalt or concrete are sourced from libraries). If you only source 3D objects from libraries, they'll mostly be ok (might not have the best textures then). Some wide-spread libraries (e.g. MisterX6) were already updated. The only aspect that might have to be re-done (due to different behaviour between XP11 and XP12) are the airport boundaries.

Sceneries made with WED 2.4 and earlier might need a bit more rework, due to the changes in map projection. The WED main developer has summarized all the more or less subtle differences in a nice write-up - and another one worth reading.

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4 hours ago, daemotron said:

Whether Google maps has this info

Google maps shows runways, taxiways, ramps, and  buildings. It is hard to tell what type of buildings they are I.E. Hangers, terminals, or admin. Not only do I look at google maps, but WED also shows the airports runways, ramps, and taxiways in the right lat and log. Most airports I download from the gateway, nothing is in the exact location. I have to move the runway and taxiways and sometimes the ramps.

I do not have great attention to detail. Some markings, ATC routes, AI movements are not in my airport sceneries.

SkyVector.com is a great source of information. Like runway lighting, approach lighting systems and the type of runways( concrete, Asphalt, gravel), control towers or no control towers.

All the airports sceneries I do are small Muni or regl airports. These are the airports I use all the time. I fly small aircraft. I never fly the jets anymore since I switched to xp11. So I do not touch the big INTL airports.

I need to check what version of WED I am using and start using the WED 2.5, if I am not already using it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

PACK has been put right on top the town. I have not tried to fix this. Do not want to recreate the town after I move the airport to the proper location. I do not know how to recreate the town nor do I want to learn. I do airport scenery mods only.

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