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Cirrus SR22. Only a clicking sound when I left click the mouse button.

Rodney McGowan

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When ever I click anything with the left mouse key in the cockpit the only thing that happens is a clicking sound and nothing else. If I left click on the keys to start the aircraft it just makes a clicking sound and I'm not able to pick up the keys. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it and still get the same result. It was working fine for a while and just quit.



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0:00:03.715 G64: debug: Toast Message:(type:warning) (X-Aviation Licensing) / (License Expired.
Please connect to the Internet.)
0:00:03.715 G64: debug:     GK: License is bad.

My guess is you have multiple monitors and X-Plane is hiding the login window behind X-Plane.

Go to your X-Plane graphics settings window and change X-Plane from full screen to windowed mode, then move X-Plane around so you can see the login window behind it.

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