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Airport Database Issue


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Hello All, 

I am running into an issue where it seems out of nowhere my FMS Nav Database is completely gone and I am unable to load anything into the CDU FPLN page (Departure / Arrival airports). 

I've tried the following trouble shoot with no success: 

  • Reset both CDU circuit breakers (M2 & H10) and verified all other circuit breakers are in. 
  • Swapped NAV Databases in the CDU Status page 1 & verified I am current (08SEP22 - 06OCT22).  
  • Uninstalled and re install my Navigraph nav database
  • Swapped into a new airplane with new tail and MSN

Perhaps maybe I am missing something or could be overlooking a simple fix? Any help would be much appreciated.

Props to the Hot Start team for making this freaking awesome product!!!! 

- Mike Caraval


Update: I've just accomplished a full uninstall & reinstall using the prompt in the X-Plane11/X-Aviation folder. Strangely the problem still persists and I wonder if somehow the navigraph nav database was somehow corrupted. Still troubleshooting. 

Edited by over2departure
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