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Unable to activate 737 IXEG


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One month ago a did buy 737 IXEG and installed it on my PC (updated Win 8.1) with fully updated XPlane 10. I can see the aircraft on the runway and I see the heads of the pilots inside the cockpit. However, the displays on the autopilot and engine panels are a mess, buttons are inactive, XP does not see Gizmo64 (that is regularly installed into the Resouces folder of XP) and any  XA activation window does not show up. I installed de novo several times the aircraft, putting off the firewall and the antivirus; and removing all the others plugins; Microsoft C redistributable is already installed. XP folder have all the permissions to write and I execute XP as the administrator. 

Please, give me some suggestions in order to enjoy this aircraft. 




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