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[Feature Request] set data ref sim/cockpit2/controls/parking_brake_ratio

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The data ref sim/cockpit2/controls/parking_brake_ratio is used by FSEconomy (and probably other VA / ACARS clients) to determine whether a flight can be reported. Unfortunately, the MU-2's plugin seems to overwrite the data ref with every cycle, making it's value oscillate heavily between 0 and 1 (cf. video below):

Also setting / releasing the parking brake seems to have no impact on the status of this data ref. To provide better compatibility with FSE and probably other flight tracking plugins, it would be nice to have this data ref reflecting the state of the MU's parking brake.

Current behavior:

  • after initialization of the aircraft, the data ref oscillates between 0 and 1
  • actuating the parking brake doesn't change it
  • after tapping the wheel brakes with the parking brake released, the data ref stops oscillating and reads 0
  • while the parking brake lever moves, the data ref increases / decreases correctly
  • with the parking brake set, the oscillation starts again
  • with the parking brake released, the oscillation stops and the data ref reads 0

Behavior I hope for:

  • data ref reads 1 if parking brake is set, and 0 if not set
  • data ref increases / decreases while parking brake lever is in transition
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Quick update: I found the root cause - it only happens when the chocks are deployed. As soon as the chocks are removed, there's no issue with the data ref. Since flight reporting in FSE usually happens before chocks are applied, this is a non-issue and can be ignored.

Edited by daemotron
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