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Getting Started Guide?


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You Tube presenters are gushing over the CL650. They say it can do this, it does that, it's very detailed, etc., and I agree with them. But where is a manual to tell us how to use all the features the CL650 has built in? Granted, there are manuals that describe normal procedures, operations reference, and checklists, but I can find no "getting started" guide to take me through using the aircraft with all its bells and whistles. I've been browsing through You Tube and finding, by bits and pieces, how to do things. But why do I have to do that? Shouldn't the developer provide this basic information?

Or, am I missing something?


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Hello Dave,

I would recommend the below video to get started. More are in production and will be out in due course. 

In the meantime - if you operate the aircraft as per the checklists you will have no issues - this is how the majority of users have "learned" the aircraft, along with the pop-up study panels. 

Best regards


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19 hours ago, dkieres said:

Or, am I missing something?


Colloseum, wasn't builded in one day!

General speaking you are right, manuals are essentials and personal would appreciate at least an announcement


"More are in production and will be out in due course."

that it is in devellopers plan, but at this time there are more importants things to fix (ctd, performance issues etc)

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