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[CLOSED] Game deleting itself when the Challenger is trying to open anything network related.


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For example, when I try to click the computer at the flight planning station, click visit Navigraph in the settings, or when the plane tries to connect by itself to the Navigraph, the game first freezes up, and about 2 seconds later, it just deletes the X-plane executable. Windows Defender is off, no other antivirus software is installed. The whole event leaves no logs, there is nothing to be found in the usual place for the logs. Afterwards, I have to run repair (running steam version of XP), and all my settings and preferences are lost. I cannot offer anything else, I have reinstalled all my drivers (Chipset/CPU/GPU/Soundcard/BIOS) and also Xplane and the Challenger itself. Nothing helps, and I'm getting really frustrated right now, I would appreciate any help.

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Having a very similar problem here except at the end of a flight. Aircraft is shut down completely, secured etc. I walk back into the FBO, and try to exit X-Plane. My entire computer BSODs at this point and when I reboot and launch the sim again (also Steam version here) the entire profile is gone, settings/controls are reset to defaults etc. I'm positive it's the Challenger doing it, nothing happens when closing the sim from the TBM or IXEG 734.

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  • CaptCrash changed the title to [UNDER REVIEW] Game deleting itself when the Challenger is trying to open anything network related.
3 hours ago, CaptCrash said:

Is there an associated log file you can post?

For me it leaves no log files at all. The xplane folder doesnt even have a Log.txt, and the challenger log folder is empty. Tbh this is the most interesting thing about the whole situation. Is there an external logging tool I could use? If I post a video about the crash, does it help?

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the game first freezes up, and about 2 seconds later, it just deletes the X-plane executable.

Whether you know it or not, you have something running in the background that is either a forgotten AV or AM program, Windows Defender, or you have malware installed.

There is absolutely no reason or way that X-Plane is deleting itself.

Edited by EGT
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There is no known reason why the CL650 or anything associated with that would delete the simulator executable file. Unfortunately we can't do much from our end to assist with your issue. Please conduct an anti-virus sweep using windows defender and check to see if any third party anti-virus or anti-malware programs are active and have flagged the simulator executable for quarantine.

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