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MFD charts pop out crashes game and destroys installation


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Hello together i encountered a very major bug i will explain how to reproduce it and there are two ways to trigger this bug. One will only crash your game, the other way will also crash but also destroys your installtion and forcing you to reinstall the aircraft completly.

I will attach logs of of both ways

LOG 1 is the first way and the LOG 2 the second way.

I used the Navigraph Charts by linking it to my account. (More information you can find in the logs)

Way 1:

if you have selected the charts on the MFD and click on the screen you get a pop out to move around.

If you now push in the top right corner the button to get it as a seprate window outside of Xplane it will crash. (picture below)

I tested it different times and it crashed on all tries means a 100% crashrate.





First select any page on the MFD that is not the charts. Click on the screnn to get the pop up. Push in the top right corner to get it as a seprate window.

Everthing should be fine no crash yet. Like in the picture below:


If you now select charts while the MFD is still open on the other window it will crash instantly.

And if you restart now Xplane and reload the aircraft (doenst matter if training or carrer or different airframe) The MFD window will automaticlly load also. (picture below)

Everything looks fine but if you try to close the window it crashes instantly and if you push any screen to get the pop out it will also crash.

I can reload the aircraft now 10times but this is not going away anymore. The only option left is a fresh reinstall.

(this window will start on every load on the aircraft from now on and closeing it results in a crash)





Log1.txt Log2.txt

Edited by Pils
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  • Pils changed the title to MFD charts pop out crashes game and destroys installation

There appears to be a memory allocation issue with your simulator as noted by the last lines

3:07:20.481 E/GFX/VK: Memory heap 2 has overstepped its budget!
3:07:20.481 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 193069056, heap budget is 31326208
3:07:20.481 E/GFX/VK: Sitting at 186 deletions, the defragmenter is running!
3:07:20.726 E/GFX/VK: Notifying user that heap 2 has overstepped its budget
3:07:20.726 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 193069056, heap budget is 31326208

please follow the directions at:

and advise if you still get a crash

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