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XP 9.7 any problems with the CRJ on WIN / MAC / LINUX?


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I just like to know if anybody has problems with the CRJ after updating to XP 9.7 which is available via XP update? As this nice plane

is acting like a  :) filmdiva ;) it may be important to be carefully with updating the XP system.

Please add your operating system.

Regards Tom

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I've a strange watter texture since the CRJ with 9.70, Ive only the normal water with volumeric fog ON, if OFF, iva something horrible, not the water we see without pixel shader, but something horrible ..

Does this only happens with the CRJ and XP9.7? Not with other planes?

Hard to believe.

Regards Tom

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I've upgraded my X-Plane on all three OS's and not found a showstopper whatsoever. After your post I explicitly tried with and w/o volumetric fog and with and w/o pixel shaders. 9.70 with CRJ is working fine here.

You might try to save your preferences by moving them out of the Output/ folder, so X-Plane will generate a fresh set. See here: http://www.x-plane.com/blog/2011/06/the-cult-of-bad-preferences/


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