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Lost all my hobbs time, maintenance hours! HELP


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That is so frustrating that I even turn Xplane off, I just updated from Xplane 11.50 B16 to beta 17 and same as it happened twice with the TBM900 so I have the same livrery, the same registration but the airframe is like a brand new!!! I'm trying to feel this bird alive which is the goal when there are great Wear tears features but why it is now as if 20 Flight Time hours spent were for having a brand new airframe today!

Is there a way to avoid this issue again? Do I have to save the SR22 folder placed in Output before updating Xplane then, I guess! We should have a warning in the manual about it, it's very ennoying, really I've lost 95 hours with the TBM this way as well...



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So these values can be found in the "TN_State.txt" file found in \X-Plane 11\Output\SR22 folder. They do have a note on not editing the file so edit at your own risk.

The values you are looking for are:



These values are in seconds so you'll need to convert your hours to the appropriate format.

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