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Wrong tracking on IRS? what am I missing?

Hugo Weber

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You need to know some new concepts.


-True heading (212 shown by the IRS display). This is the TRUE heading the aircraft is following in relation to earth's geographical north (not the magnetic north)

the difference between true vs magnetic varies across the globe, you may see isogonic lines/charts


-ND heading (244). The NAV display shows the heading the aircraft's nose is pointing in order to maintain the desired magnetic course 236. Since you have a VERY STRONG crosswind coming from the right, AP is pointing the aircraft's nose to 244 in order to compensate those strong winds trying to drift the aircraft out of desired 236 track.

if no crosswind components were present ND heading and planned magnetic course should match.


-Magnetic course. This is the magnetic course the aircraft should follow as per the flight plan.


hope this helps



Edited by mmerelles
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