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Standard troubleshooting and reporting protocol


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Hi everyone,

we are happy with the renewed interest in our beloved 737 and while we would of course prefer you to not have any problems with it - the next best thing is you reporting your problems so we can fix them and hopefully one day (unlikely!) get to the point of no one having any problems with it anymore :).

If you encounter what you think is a bug or observe a problem:

1.) Do a search in this website (IXEG section) to see if anyone else reported it and what the status on it is. We want to try and avoid having 27 threads of "oh, it looks like the mousewheel scroll direction is wrong, has anyone else seen this?" :lol:

2.) If you report a bug, it almost always pays to attach the LOG.txt file (found in your X-Plane main directory) to the post (attach, don´t copy the contents of it to create a wall-of-text).

3.) If you encounter a crash of X-Plane, the culprit is usually an incompatibility with a plugin or memory exhaustion (RAM or Lua). To troubleshoot, please remove all plugins except for the Plugin Admin and Gizmo, then try to run the IXEG 737. If that works, add your plugins back one by one or in batches to isolate the problematic plugin. Often you will find that this plugin has been updated and you can get a more recent and hopefully compatible version. Let us know - even if you succeeded, other users may benefit from your findings.

4.) The same applies if a weird bug or unexplainable behavior is exhibited by the IXEG 737. We need to rule out third-party interaction, so to troubleshoot, please remove all plugins except for the Plugin Admin and Gizmo, then try to run the IXEG 737. If that works, add your plugins back one by one or in batches to isolate the problematic plugin. Often you will find that this plugin has been updated and you can get a more recent and hopefully compatible version. Let us know - even if you succeeded, other users may benefit from your findings.

Thanks for all your continued support to help us improve the IXEG 737.



Edited by Litjan
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