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Problems with Multiplayer


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We have been flying the TBM's multiplayer in xplane (we both have registered copies of course) with a friend and we are having issues.  In general the planes are fantastic and we love flying formation.  Not sure if this is an issue with the TBM or a general xplane issue, but we seem to have some cross connections going on. For example, on the ground if I turn on my GPU it will turn his off.  Also, if I open my door, I see his open, but he stills the door closed from his cockpit.   Also, there seems to be some cross linking of barometer settings.  Not consistently, but occassionally when we change the barometer it will go into a stuck mode that will not let us change it, and tonight after a long flight, he tried to change his barometer to the landing airport settings and all of the sudden it went to one of the barometer extremes, which put him in a dive (probably due to AP being on), and then he redded out.  Are there any logs we can look at or send you to trouble shoot the problem?  It seems the planes are cross talking somehow for some of the datarefs?



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To fly in formation you don't need multiplayer. Just log in to the same network (VATSIM, PilotEdge, etc.) at the same airport and fly. With multiplayer you both fly the same plane (e.g. pilot/copilot) by both signing on to the same network with the same callsign. Then  you can both control the same plane. But perhaps I misunderstood your issue.


Edited by jcallum
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