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VR Problem - caused by SkyMaxx Pro ?


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It recently became impossible for me to activate VR in X-Plane.  When I enabled VR, X-Plane would freeze in mid transition and I had to use Task Manager to close X-Plane.  Windows 10, X-Plane 11.32, Vive Pro with wireless, Steam and Steam VR.  FSGRW, latest SkyMaxx, Real Weather Connector all used for weather.

In troubleshooting, looking at log.txt seemed to indicate that the freeze occurred during some SMP tasks (parsing metar).  I started removing plugins.  Removing SkyMaxx Pro and Real Weather Connector from the plugin folder made the problem go away.  I deleted all my existing SMP and RWC files and reinstalled SMP and RWC from scratch.  Problem came back.  Removing the newly installed plugin files made the problem go away again.

A few observations: log.txt did not only indicate SMP/RWC... it also indicated at times other plugins might be causing the freeze (looking at the end of log.txt, figuring that whatever was going on at the end of log.txt might be the problem).  I tried removing other plugins before SMP/RWC based on log.txt but these efforts did not solve the problem.  My suspicion at this time is that log.txt does not smoothly log the startup progression of X-Plane, but rather stops and starts logging during the startup process, eventually to "catch up" to X-Plane's current status.  If this is the case, the end of log.txt may not be a good indication of what is causing a freeze or crash.  At any rate, some attempts indicated SMP/RWC might be the problems, and removing these plugins seems to have solved the problem.

While I'm writing this, any comments on using X-Vision and SMP concurrently ?  X-Vision works outside of X-Plane, installing various sets of textures...  SMP has options for various texture set.  Do these two duel against each other ?  Should SMP be set to "default textures" if X-Vision is being used ?

Fairly new is the librain plugin, installed into an aircrafts plugin folder... does this conflict with SMP's rain effects ?


Thanks for any comments,







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I haven't heard of any similar reports from VR users. It's possible that there was something unusual in the METAR at the time you encountered this that caused an issue; it might work if you try it again with new weather conditions. I'd also try deleting the settings.dat file from your plugins/SilverLining directory to revert to standard settings (I think you did that, but just making sure). If you had RWC in "always" mode, that's known to not work until a Gizmo update comes out to address the move to HTTPS by NOAA for its weather data. Deleting the settings file will revert it to "automatic" mode which might clear it up. Deleting any METAR files in your X-Plane directory might also be a good idea, in case the issue is a bad METAR file. As you're using FSGRW, that would include the "fsgrwsmp.rwx" file in addition to METAR.rwx (make sure you put RWC back in FSGRW mode when you get it running again)

I'm also not aware of any conflicts with X-Vision or librain; SMP only uses its own textures and does not depend on X-Plane's, so if some other plugin is messing around with X-Plane's own resources, we shouldn't be affected. That said it's always a good idea to strip out all plugins and addons when beginning your troubleshooting, as they can interact in complex ways.

You said this started happening recently; was it associated with your initial installation of SMP? Did any other software change or was added when the trouble began?

Edited by sundog
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