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Avsim Hacked, site is down

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Received this email from Tom Allensworth.



AVSIM Hacked

Tom Allensworth, CEO and Publisher of AVSIM, today issued the following announcement; “We regret to inform the flight simulation community that on Tuesday, May 12, AVSIM was hacked and effectively destroyed. The method of the hack makes recovery difficult, if not impossible, to recover from. Both servers, that is the library / email and web site / forum servers were attacked. AVSIM is totally offline at this time and we expect to be so for some time to come. We are not able to predict when we will be back online, if we can come back at all. We will post more news as we are able to in the coming days and weeks.

This is really sad, these hackers need to be caught. :)

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You wonder why a benign site like Asim was targeted. I would guess that they had a "reasonable" amount of security. Did they make a mistake? Were the strategies faulty? These types of breaches really makes you wonder about your own little world(PC). Lots of people are running a simple router with NAT and some other features along with perhaps a software firewall and anti-virus. Are these just paper walls easily breached and a waste of money? Flight sim people go to a variety of sites for aircraft, scenery, utilities and several other things. How do we know that one of thiose sources has not been silently hacked and our download will fire up a worm several months later? The Internet is very dangerous on many levels. So do I need to buy a $10,000 Cisco router? Or did Avsim already have one to no avail?

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