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What did you blow up today?

Simmo W

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Old Flaming Cliffs. My current computer won't run DCS A-10 on a satisfactory level, as it barely runs Ka-50.

Why don't you post a complete review, Simon? You've got obvious talent for writing :) Yeah, screens and videos are pretty, but my biggest concerns regarding Ka-50 were cheating AI (shooting manpads at me through trees, having eyes all around head, popping up out of nowhere, etc.) and a notorious mission structure "player vs. the rest of the world, with insane time limit included". Not to mention, that the missions most often started with engines already running - so where's the point of actually modelling and learning the whole startup?

For me, the absolute benchmarks in modern military flight sims were Jane's Longbow 2 and Falcon 4.0 (SuperPak 3&4, then Allied Force). They weren't perfect and had their own quirks, but the overall experience was just unforgettable.

So, is the newest DCS an experience on its own, or rather just another place to blow things up?


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great pic Lis, did they detonate? ;D

Yes, something in the form of review is coming up, you might be quite surprised.

You sound heaps more experienced in pc combat sims than me though, I have NONE, so my review won't be in comparison to other combat sims.

It is heavy on the pc hardware. My i7 920 and gtx275 setup is pushed, still, even on medium settings it runs well. And it only uses 2 of my 8 virtual cores, so I can process Sony Vegas videos at the same time as running it. Crazy.

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Thanks, my target was moving so I manually released my little package, my very first attempt at a moving target, harder than it looks. I used a mk82 air, with a parachute to float it down gently to prevent me blowing my plane up as well! Still, I missed a little:


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Sure that both of them exploded as hell ;) It was an automatic CCRP release, from straight level flight between 2000-3000ft, if I remember correctly. The target was stationary and it was a training flight.

During A-10 combat missions, at first I was deactivating area defenses with IR Mavericks at standoff ranges and then I was dropping HD (high drag=parachute retarded) bombs from low altitude-high speed flight or casette bombs with CCIP from a dive, depending on a target and threat level. Lots of flares were used during those attacks, just in case. Most often I was limited by the flares first, ordnance second and fuel third.

As for the F-16, similar tactics worked, with an addition of high altutide Paveway precise CCRP bombing and medium altitude CCRP releases of series of casette bombs, on convoys moving along the road (BAI or interdiction flights). Sometimes, I was just dropping ordinary Mk.48s throught overcast, out of 25000-30000ft on larger targets, like factories or ports (similar stunts were performed in Iraq, so that's not that insane, as it would look like at first). I've almost never used dive-toss method, as it was too ineffective and too dangerous for my liking.

There were also other stunts performed, as it was a truly multirole aircraft :) Now I don't have the time to regularly fly more than two sims (X-Plane or Condor), but I really miss that times. Sentry 1, Cougar 5 checking in. Cougar 5, be advised, boogies at bullseye...

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Pretty cool CAP. I've been considering this new release for purchase since its inception  It does look like it would give the processor a go though.

As far as if the bombs hit the target, I would be satisfied to believe the bombs came close enough to get the tank crew to soil themselves. :)

Happy hunting.

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