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FPS drop with xEnviro


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First, congratulation on release! Beautiful plane.

And now is one problem i catch so far. With default weather my fps is around 40 and stable. And after turning on xEnviro (1.07s) it drops to 19 immediatly.

Yes, i know that all the features right now work only with default weather (or weather engines that correctly fill metar.rwx) but such significant drop of fps is something strange. 

Same place, same weather, 40 in default vs 19 with xEnviro. FF A320 in same place and time shows 40-50 fps with either of them.

Edited by FynIk
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My *guess* here would be that you're exhausting resources between the TBM and xEnviro. I don't really know what xEnviro's depends on more (CPU or GPU), but it's possible the TBM and xEnviro on your machine are fighting for space and something has just gotta give.

Unfortunately, comparing to other aircraft is really not a great way to diagnose anything here. We'd really need to see your resource usage with the CPU and GPU.

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