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Osm2xp - Scenery generator - v2.0.2 out


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Great tool Benny, tried it and it seemed to work.

For bare areas, it certainly add some civilisation. However I hear you need to work on more tailored facades. I've noticed it as well, they look very generic and out of place in (say) Melbourne, where I am. If you get more instructions produced that tell people how to add new facade styles and even object styles, it'll be even more widely used.

I tried it on my about to be released KMMH, but it replaced some of my own custom buildings! I assume using the 'exclude facades' tool in OE would stop this?

A birdie mentioned that your facades are taken from the global scenery and that you don't have permission. I personally don't see why anyone would take offence, since your program is designed to ENHANCE xplane even more, and at this stage it is free. Once you start asking for donations, you'll want to use your own original artwork.

Thanks again and keep pushing. It was a hoot to see Juniper Mammoth instantly appear!

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well you can choose exclusions on osm2xp, uncheck "exclude facade" and yours won't disapear (or "exclude objects" if your scene is made of .obj, but as xplane defaut autogen is made of objects you'll see those too).

For facades , i started with xplane defaut facades and modified them with free textures, there's still original parts in the texture but they aren't used.

Anyway osm2xp is still beta , the v1 release will have facades made from scratch, and i'll add a way in the app to choose a set of facade for the generation, so people can download various facade sets made by others and use them.

SceneryMaker "LeBelge" already made a set of his own, it's kinda easy, you just need a few buildings texture and world maker.

There's also open scenery files right now in the app for testing purpose (so beta testers can test a feature even if they don't have open scenery, and btw this feature is removed since beta4, i'll put it back for the v1), i'll remove them for the v1 release, and i'll point to the open scenery path to use those objects.

4.2 should be the last beta, i hope i can release v1 this month.


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Ok, I had to search through the .dsf via the .txt, for the approx. coordinates, and was able to delete all the offending buildings, so now it looks pretty cool, as you can see. Gotta get some new facades though, not quite fitting the Yosemite architectural style :) Really nice placement though, a lot of effort saved


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Well beta 4.2 added a few thing with facades, so they can reflect sunlight.

One thing that was preventing sun reflection was the fact that osm files may have buildings with bad points direction (clockwise or counter clockwise, can't remember), and such buildings in xplane would have "transparent" textures , not really transparent but in fact the texture is on the wrong side of the poly, so you can't see it , and so it seems a wall (or roof) is missing (hard to explain).

I added a method to reverse points if the building is in the wrong direction, and with a lot of tests i didn't find in xplane a bad building, lots of people did tests too and everything was fine, so it's weird to see so many bad buildings on your screen.

If it's isn't because of wrong texture position, it could be that the buildings lacks a point to "close" the building, this is easy to fix, just add RING 1 in the .fac file.

I removed RING 1 on the last beta so bad buildings would be easy to find.

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Benny, I downloaded the OSM data from scratch and used the latest Beta, everything ok now, no missing walls. The OSM exporter works well, easy to select areas manually. Ive made the textures much browner to localize the look, but I'll tweak the roof specs when I get time.

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Osm2XP 1.1 is now available in the downloads section.

It's more or less a complete rewrite, with those new features:

-PBF files support, wich are a lot smaller and faster to read than OSM files.

-Customizable generation, choose wich object/facade/forest will be used for an osm tag (tutorial)

-OSM tags exclusion

-OSM tag "building:height" is used for buildings size if present

-New graphical user interface.

-Live graph for real time feedback of the generation process.

-New facade set with more diversity (78 different facades)

-Language localisation.

-Bug fixes, etc...

1s.jpg 2s.jpg

3s.jpg 4s.jpg

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Hi Benny,

Thanks again for your work. I made a try with Spain in a laptop and the results were not really promissing. There were few buildings ( I know, this is related to OSM directly) and all of them were white (no texture). Also, if you want to see more than a few buildings you need to set the detail in EXTREME but it does not avoid autogen by default, so you have extreme autogen and your buildings (byebye fps).

AFAIK there mus be something I did wrong. The laptop has no x-plane copy installed, maybe is that the problem?

I'll give a try tomorrow with my actual pc where I use to fly.


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Hi Bokepacha,

About textures you should have the same thing as on my screenshots.

You can also exclude xplane autogen by check the exclude OBJ (you should use exclusions on OBJ, FAC and FOR as oms2xp is generating those)


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You can now download openstreetmap autogen scenery for the whole world at this adress http://scenery.osm2xp.com/.

This repository will be updated as often as possible, i'll try to do it weekly, (or more often if someone request an update for an area), and i will provide tools to manage downloads/update automaticaly in the future (an external java app or maybe a xplane plugin if it's possible).

I'm also happy to say that i'll be working with Premek and Artoo on XHT, so the osm autogen repository may evolve with XHT release.

I also made a short video tutorial for those who want to add buildings to an empty area :



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Osm2xp 2.0 is now available in the downloads area -> http://osm2xp.com

It's a major release, nearly everything has been rewrited from scratch, but here are the major features:

-New GUI, based on the eclipse rcp framework.

-Generation rules can be imported/exported to xml.

-Generation rules are more complex now, with more than one object file, and various parameters.

-Better use of open street map height/levels tags.

-Generation of xml and/or pdf stats files.

-Embedded help window.

-Osm2xp can now restart a crashed/closed generation job. just load the "osm2xp.project" file that was created at the root of your scenery folder.

-Osm output format, for debug purpose or to extract a 1/1 tile from a bigger file.

-Real time memory monitor.

-More sloped roofs for houses.

-Ini file ("osm2xp.ini" , in root folder of the application, for mac users under app/show content) to set the memory allocated to osm2xp (-Xms : min value, -Xmx : max value)

A few updates should come in the next days/weeks , to enhance buildings quality in xplane, and to release a easy way for people to add their own textures.

As soon as i will have made these updates , i'll make osm2xp open source.

Also expect updates once x plane 10 is out, to take advantage of xp10 enhancements.

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