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I'm Ole Andreasen and I demand your immediate attention, you liar!


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But - WHY does the clouds never envelop the aircraft when looking from an outside view? When I make videos - it´s a joke to see totally thick clouds/fog everywhere - yet my aircraft remains clearly 100% visible at all times. NOT very realistic.

I mailed to you guys about it 8 days ago - and have heard NOTHING back. 8 DAYS? in this modern age? Please respond to a paying customer.


Kind Regards

Ole Andreasen

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1 hour ago, oleandreasen said:

I mailed to you guys about it 8 days ago - and have heard NOTHING back. 8 DAYS? in this modern age? Please respond to a paying customer.

Actually, you WERE responded to via email about this...7 days ago, 1 day after you wrote in.

The response to you has not changed. This is a LIMITATION from X-Plane, and something we cannot fix/add as a feature at this time. It is related to draw order, and Laminar runs into similar issues with various aspects of the sim (similar to ground lights being seen on the ground). You have to make trade-offs in certain areas to get results, this is one of them (similar to how some prop discs will not properly render even on add-ons like xEnviro) for us in exchange for something else. Priorities...they matter.

It's easy for people to go on attack mode, but if things were so simple they'd already be done.

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6 hours ago, Cameron said:

Actually, you WERE responded to via email about this...7 days ago, 1 day after you wrote in.

The response to you has not changed. This is a LIMITATION from X-Plane, and something we cannot fix/add as a feature at this time. It is related to draw order, and Laminar runs into similar issues with various aspects of the sim (similar to ground lights being seen on the ground). You have to make trade-offs in certain areas to get results, this is one of them (similar to how some prop discs will not properly render even on add-ons like xEnviro) for us in exchange for something else. Priorities...they matter.

It's easy for people to go on attack mode, but if things were so simple they'd already be done.

Hi there Cameroun.

I am sorry that you consider my post "attack mode". I was merely annoyed about being ignored. and in my original message to you, I specified that I would rather come to you, than rave in the public. If you DID respond to my ticket then I am extremely sorry for my post here - but how do I access that answer? There is nothing in my mail - nothing in my spam folder, and I cannot seem to find anything when logging in to the site. So please direct me to the answer.

The fact that the missing envelopment of the aircraft is a limitation in X-Plane - well I have seen it done in xEnviro, and therefore I assumed that if they could do it - you could probably do it. But of course there may be other limitations - tradeoffs, I have not seen the prop-disc problem in xEnviro videos - but of course this does not mean that it is not there. For me though - the problem of the visible aircraft in SkyMaXX is consistent - and therefore a big problem for me.

So my original question in the message still remains. Could I please have you mail me with an answer or direct me to your response to my message last weekend? Thanks.

Ole Andreasen


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So my original question in the message still remains. Could I please have you mail me with an answer or direct me to your response to my message last weekend? Thanks.

Ole Andreasen


At this point it is of no matter. You now have an answer in public form as well, and there's nothing more to be added.

The answer and question will be here now for anyone else to see should they ever wonder.

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1 minute ago, Cameron said:

At this point it is of no matter. You now have an answer in public form as well, and there's nothing more to be added.

The answer and question will be here now for anyone else to see should they ever wonder.

You sound very defensive - and this I do not understand. Why not just direct me to the original answer you say you gave me? As I have not received anything from you in the mail, I wonder where the answer is? Please.

And my question was a request for a refund Cameron - I have not been answered on that - but I kind of see where this conversation is going, so my hopes are not high.

But please, let´s get this conversation down to a civil level. I apologized about my post, if it was caused by a glitch causing me not to receive your answer - so again, please direct me to the answer.


Kind regards

Ole Andreasen


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You sound very defensive - and this I do not understand. Why not just direct me to the original answer you say you gave me? As I have not received anything from you in the mail, I wonder where the answer is? Please.

And my question was a request for a refund Cameron - I have not been answered on that - but I kind of see where this conversation is going, so my hopes are not high.

But please, let´s get this conversation down to a civil level. I apologized about my post, if it was caused by a glitch causing me not to receive your answer - so again, please direct me to the answer.


Kind regards

Ole Andreasen



Hi Ole,

Nope, not defensive and happy to answer questions in public.

We do not offer refunds. You may find that policy here: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/shipping.php

(Nevermind the fact you purchased the product over three months ago).

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5 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Hi Ole,

Nope, not defensive and happy to answer questions in public.

We do not offer refunds. You may find that policy here: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/shipping.php

(Nevermind the fact you purchased the product over three months ago).

Nevermind the fact that I have spent time trying to figure out HOW to get your program to work properly - and after that - trying to tell myself I could live with it.  Thank your for that last zinger. Not defensive? Whoa - I would not like to hear you when you ARE defenfive then. Holy moly.

And since you consistently refuse to tell me WHERE your original answer from the 27. of August can been seen - I have to assume that you are directly lying to me about that. And being lied to is something I simply despise.

Great customer service you provide. And this is NOT said because of the refusal to refund my purchase, but for THIS thread. I shall now commence posting around what fora I attend, that this is what a customer get from you Cameron.  with this thread (copied, thank you) as reference.



Kind regards

Ole Andreasen

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Nevermind the fact that I have spent time trying to figure out HOW to get your program to work properly - and after that - trying to tell myself I could live with it.

In which time you of course sought no support for it, and this still does not take away the more than three months time.


Thank your for that last zinger. Not defensive? Whoa - I would not like to hear you when you ARE defenfive then.

Matter of factual and to the point, yes. Defensive? No. There's no need to be. For what? You are simply choosing to read it in that context.

And since you consistently refuse to tell me WHERE your original answer from the 27. of August can been seen - I have to assume that you are directly lying to me about that.

I mean, okay, you can tell yourself whatever you like. I already told you the truth, but I can't help you believe otherwise. I don't see the point in lying about a simple email.

I shall now commence posting around what fora I attend, that this is what a customer get from you Cameron.  with this thread (copied, thank you) as reference.



Kind regards

Ole Andreasen


Okay, Ole. If this is what you feel is necessary to make you feel better about the situation, go for it.

Thank you for at least discussing with us first, and happy flights!

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If you told me the truth, then why not just point me to the answer? Should be easy enough, with timestamp and everything.

Would up your credability a ton Cameron. You seem to have enough time beeing rude to a paying customer. Why not use a little bit of time showing me that you DID in fact not lie to me? Is that not in both our interest?

Just wondering.

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If you told me the truth, then why not just point me to the answer? Should be easy enough, with timestamp and everything.

Would up your credability a ton Cameron. You seem to have enough time beeing rude to a paying customer. Why not use a little bit of time showing me that you DID in fact not lie to me? Is that not in both our interest?

Just wondering.

Because it's honestly not worth my time at this moment, Ole. As it is, I'm sitting here after hours responding to you away from the office without the support ticket system in front of me and on my phone.

I don't feel the need or desire to save face for anything here. It's an email, not a forensic files case for crying out loud. Why in the world would I need to lie about a silly reply, and better yet, why on God's great earth would you bother trying to create conspiracy about it? No one cares to this degree besides yourself. I only care that I've answered you, be it email or here.

I've got thousands of customers a month in the support ticket system for credibility. I am without doubt not even the slightest concerned about something like that here.

Signing off to bed now. I'm quite certain I've answered anything that needed to be said here.

Take it easy, Ole!

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7 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Because it's honestly not worth my time at this moment, Ole. As it is, I'm sitting here after hours responding to you away from the office without the support ticket system in front of me and on my phone.

I don't feel the need or desire to save face for anything here. It's an email, not a forensic files case for crying out loud. Why in the world would I need to lie about a silly reply, and better yet, why on God's great earth would you bother trying to create conspiracy about it? No one cares to this degree besides yourself. I only care that I've answered you, be it email or here.

I've got thousands of customers a month in the support ticket system for credibility. I am without doubt not even the slightest concerned about something like that here.

Signing off to bed now. I'm quite certain I've answered anything that needed to be said here.

Take it easy, Ole!

This has nothing to do with you saving face Cameron. This has to do with you spending a few minutes telling me WHERE to find the answer you cannot produce it seems. 

It has to do with treating me, a paying customer with respect. You say you spend hours posting - well TOTALLY unnecessary Cameron. You could have closed this topic in 2 minutes by providing me with what I kindly ask for - or telling me that you are not at the office - but would be happy to do it when you get there. THEN I would have been "taking it easy" Cameron. would have saved you both time AND face there - but of course one cannot provide what one has not gotten. I believe this is the case. How can I think otherwise?

But you consistently aggravate me by dodging the question Cameron - and now you finally come right out and say it - "It´s honestly not worth your time" Thanks a pantsload.

Again - such great customer service you provide Cameron.

Sleep well. 



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7 hours ago, oleandreasen said:

This has nothing to do with you saving face Cameron. This has to do with you spending a few minutes telling me WHERE to find the answer you cannot produce it seems. 

You need to make up your mind. In your last post you said: "Would up your credability a ton Cameron." Now you're saying it has nothing to do with the sort.

You already have been told where the reply was made, and subsequent post replies from me have been rather indicative as well. That said, it doesn't matter. You received a reply here too, with the same answer, and hopefully people can now search and find the same answer too should they have the same question you did.

7 hours ago, oleandreasen said:

You say you spend hours posting

I said no such thing.

7 hours ago, oleandreasen said:

...but of course one cannot provide what one has not gotten. I believe this is the case. How can I think otherwise?

You can think whatever you want. It doesn't really mean much to anyone else here. At this point we're stretching things over text. That's pretty silly. :)

7 hours ago, oleandreasen said:

But you consistently aggravate me by dodging the question Cameron

I have dodged no questions.

All that needed to be said has been said here, Ole. That's enough now. Seems you have missed some information I had already given, and should it bother you that much you may re-read through this thread.

Have a good day!

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1 hour ago, Cameron said:

You need to make up your mind. In your last post you said: "Would up your credability a ton Cameron." Now you're saying it has nothing to do with the sort.

You already have been told where the reply was made, and subsequent post replies from me have been rather indicative as well. That said, it doesn't matter. You received a reply here too, with the same answer, and hopefully one people can now search and find the same answer to should they have the same question you did.

I said no such thing.

You can think whatever you want. It doesn't really mean much to anyone else here. At this point we're stretching things over text. That's pretty silly. :)

I have dodged no questions.

All that needed to be said has been said here, Ole. That's enough now. Seems you have missed some information I had already given, and should it bother you that much you may re-read through this thread.

Have a good day!

Well I continue until you give me an answer, or until you shut me up Cameron. I suspect the latter will be the case.

I do not have to make up my mind. I said that this is not about you saving face. I also said that in the process of your answers you COULD have saved both time AND face. Those two things does not exclude each other. I merely stated a fact there Cameron.

You say that I have been told where the reply was made - yet no such reply have been shown to me. I know WHAT you (would have) said, but that´s not the case. The case is your credibility now Cameron. You might not care (yet all your posts seem to indicate that you DO care) but I sure care if a person I spent $60 from, has a reasonable customer service. You fail this badly Cameron

And you can use all the fancy words you will, and you still spend an incredible amount of them on me, but still you started by telling me a lie - and since, you have dodged left and right, trying to throw me off the point of this thread, because you seem to have no way of showing me that you DID post back to me. And with ALL those posts and words you have used today, instead of simply showing me the frigging answer - you prove yourself a liar, and that is just awful. A bad bad businessman and a lousy customer supporter in my book. Simple as that.

Have a good day too Sir!

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Well I continue until you give me an answer, or made - yet no such reply have been shown to me. I know WHAT you (would have) said, but that´s not the case.

Not only were you told where the reply was made, but also what it consisted of. I can only laugh at what more you type at this point.

The case is your credibility now Cameron.

Some screenshot isn't going to change the situation (which is easy to produce and make you look bad if I really had the desire. Fortunately for you I find that an even bigger waste of time).

And you can use all the fancy words you will, and you still spend an incredible amount of them on me, but still you started by telling me a lie - and since, you have dodged left and right, trying to throw me off the point of this thread, because you seem to have no way of showing me that you DID post back to me. And with ALL those posts and words you have used today, instead of simply showing me the frigging answer - you prove yourself a liar, and that is just awful. A bad bad businessman and a lousy customer supporter in my book. Simple as that.

Have a good day too Sir!

Wow. Your paranoia and conspiracy theorizing is OFF the charts. Haha. Incredible!

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48 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Not only were you told where the reply was made, but also what it consisted of. I can only laugh at what more you type at this point.


Some screenshot isn't going to change the situation (which is easy to produce and make you look bad if I really had the desire. Fortunately for you I find that an even bigger waste of time).


Wow. Your paranoia and conspiracy theorizing is OFF the charts. Haha. Incredible!

So why dont you Cameron?  make me look bad. All you do is make YOURSELF look incredible bad. And besides, I don´t FEEL bad. I feel like a customer buttf..... by a developer not only selling a mediocre product at best, but also having a lousy customer service.

I would be really HAPPY for you to make me look bad. Please do Cameron. I BEG of you. And well you wrote that you HAVE posted a reply - but still after all this time, I have seen no evidence of it. You still dodge Cameron. I laugh at your pathetic pitiful attempts to save your self. It´s really sad.

As for paranoia... I see no sign of it. ALL i ask is for you to actually produce a proof. That the mysterious answer EXIST. You have not been able to provide that. Only  10,000 meaningless words. Conspiracy theory??? How is paranoid now Cameron?

You really are pathetic now. AND show incredible customer service. Haha Incredible


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So why dont you Cameron?  make me look bad. All you do is make YOURSELF look incredible bad. And besides, I don´t FEEL bad. I feel like a customer buttf..... by a developer not only selling a mediocre product at best, but also having a lousy customer service.

I would be really HAPPY for you to make me look bad. Please do Cameron. I BEG of you. And well you wrote that you HAVE posted a reply - but still after all this time, I have seen no evidence of it. You still dodge Cameron. I laugh at your pathetic pitiful attempts to save your self. It´s really sad.

As for paranoia... I see no sign of it. ALL i ask is for you to actually produce a proof. That the mysterious answer EXIST. You have not been able to provide that. Only  10,000 meaningless words. Conspiracy theory??? How is paranoid now Cameron?

You really are pathetic now. AND show incredible customer service. Haha Incredible



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42 minutes ago, Cameron said:


Yup - what I thought. No more arguments - so "LOL" is what you are reduced to. WOW! In my book that is called a confession Cameron. You say that you can easily produce proof - and when I say "please do" you have only "LOL" left. Again - WOW! Thank you for admitting that you are in fact a liar.You are not even disgusting enough to make me sick - Just a darn coward. A liar and a coward. What a combination.

It stands to reason that your product is a cloud program - because puffs of air is all you have to sell. No substance at all. An all time low Cameron. Only lies, denials and accusations. A developer with so little to show. English being my second language - so I am reduced to coward again, but it seems fitting though.


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Yup - what I thought. No more arguments - so "LOL" is what you are reduced to. WOW! In my book that is called a confession Cameron. You say that you can easily produce proof - and when I say "please do" you have only "LOL" left. Again - WOW! Thank you for admitting that you are in fact a liar.You are not even disgusting enough to make me sick - Just a darn coward. A liar and a coward. What a combination.

It stands to reason that your product is a cloud program - because puffs of air is all you have to sell. No substance at all. An all time low Cameron. Only lies, denials and accusations. A developer with so little to show. English being my second language - so I am reduced to coward again, but it seems fitting though.


My heavens this is hilarious. What an interesting individual, lol. You speak great English though! :)

Good thing you're not the judge in a court of law. You'd be laughed at straight in the face if you tried to convict someone on your description of a confession. ;) Maybe one day you'll realize that sometimes people laugh at you over your crazy theorizing instead of when they feel guilty. For me, it's most certainly the entertainment of the absurd story you're making up at this point.

I've met some crazies in my life, but... :)

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7 minutes ago, Cameron said:



My heavens this is hilarious. What an interesting individual, lol. You speak great English though! :)

Thanks Cameron.

Mind you. In ALL my posts I have been asking for ONE thing. ONE thing only. For you to show me that you DID in fact answer my first "ticket". My second ticket was not answered either, but it´s pretty recent, so that might be the cause.

And in the first couple of posts of mine, I really play it kind - apologizing if I am wrong. Now - I am certainly willing to apologize again, if proven wrong. But in ALL your posts, you claim that:

1) You HAVE replied to my ticket! But you have nothing to back up that claim.

2) You can easily provide the proof! But so far you have done everything but.

3) That you have told me WHERE the answer was given, and WHAT it contained. The latter is true, but the WHERE... is still a claim that you refuse to proof, even though you say that it is easy to proof.

4) I am paranoid, I make conspiracy theories, when in fact all I do, STILL is this ONE thing which you claim you can easily provide. So far you have done nothing of the kind.

So mock me, write "LOL". Call me hilarious and an "interesting individual" Cameron, but still this ONE thing - the proof, has not emerged from the depths of your posts-of-many-words.

I simply wonder why.

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More words Cameron - more puffs of smoke - without substance. I am not obsessed Cameron - I am a customer asking his developer a question - and being refused the answer. That´s not nice customer policy in my book. That´s all.


I have answered each and every one of your questions, including where the support ticket was written.

I have not gone through the effort to go in the office on an American holiday and pull up the support ticket system proof by way of a picture. That's simply a waste of time to satisfy no one else but your own peculiar obsession.

If I have failed to answer a previous question not pertaining to showing meaningless proof of a reply (at this point I just wish I hadn't sent a reply and just said I didn't see it, because your lust over this is really...awkward), please point me to the question and I will answer accordingly.

Anything further is just peculiar behavior on your part which is forever etched online now.

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Sure thing. Easy. My question was if you would kindly provide me with a proof that you did not lie when you said you answered my ticket.

According to you, it´s easily provided - so please provide it. To finish this thread. I find it at least as ludicrous as you seem to. But as long as you lie to me, I shall keep this thread alive until you ban me. Simple as that.

So provide the proof Cameron. End this. Only you can do it. I cannot provide proof of NOT receiving your reply - but YOU can provide proof that you at least SENT it. Please provide.

Tell me where I can find an answer to the support ticket. because I don´t know, and cannot find it.

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Sure thing. Easy. My question was if you would kindly provide me with a proof that you did not lie when you said you answered my ticket.

According to you, it´s easily provided - so please provide it. To finish this thread. I find it at least as ludicrous as you seem to. But as long as you lie to me, I shall keep this thread alive until you ban me. Simple as that.

So provide the proof Cameron. End this. Only you can do it. I cannot provide proof of NOT receiving your reply - but YOU can provide proof that you at least SENT it. Please provide.

Tell me where I can find an answer to the support ticket. because I don´t know, and cannot find it.

Re-read this thread. I won't waste my time posting duplicate info either to answer the second part of your post.

I will NOT be putting "provide proof to obsessed Ole" on my to-do list either. I quite literally don't care like you do. If you have nothing better to do with your life than salivate over your desire to see some image of a reply you have also now been given in this thread, I won't have anything to do with it. :)

This topic will end here, Ole. Seems your actual questions HAVE been answered that had any substance, and should you attempt to de-rail it further after my post here, you will be banned per your alternative option to ending this topic. As of this moment, you control your own destiny here.

I know this will likely be the latter and you'll choose the ban. It's no sweat off my back, but the option was at least given at that point.

See ya. :)

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11 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Re-read this thread. I won't waste my time posting duplicate info either to answer the second part of your post.

I will NOT be putting "provide proof to obsessed Ole" on my to-do list either. I quite literally don't care like you do. If you have nothing better to do with your life than salivate over your desire to see some image of a reply you have also now been given in this thread, I won't have anything to do with it. :)

This topic will end here, Ole. Seems your actual questions HAVE been answered that had any substance, and should you attempt to de-rail it further after my post here, you will be banned per your alternative option to ending this topic. As of this moment, you control your own destiny here.

I know this will likely be the latter and you'll choose the ban. It's no sweat off my back, but the option was at least given at that point.

See ya.

Nope... one cannot provide what one has not got..

And so it came finally The admins last resort - the threat of BAN... Only a matter of time before you were reduced to that final action.

I do not care one way or another Cameron if you ban me. This thread stands to show what kind of customer service you provide, until you delete it - which I believe will be the next step. 

And if this is "de-railing" the thread, or if you think this post more abusive than the former, then please execute the ban procedure. I have nothing further to add either - in THIS forum at least.

See ya :)

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