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Wind speed in EHSI


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First of all I want to apologize for my English. I hope not to cause any diplomatic problem.;)

I recently bought FS-FlightControl and I have noticed that the wind speed indicated in the EHSI does not match the one indicated in FS-FlightControl. I have contacted the author of the program and in the end I have come to the conclusion that the wind speed indicated in the EHSI is incorrect.

It seems that this indication is of the wind speed in the layer (METAR or manually) and not the actual one that is experiencing the aircraft.

That is, the EHSI is reading dataref sim/weather/wind_speed_kt [0] when it should read sim/weather/wind_speed_kt

Is it intentional for some reason or am I completely wrong? I have to say that my level of understanding of the systems of a 737 is between zero and nothing.:)

Thanks in advance

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Has anyone noticed this?
Am I interpreting something wrong?






From X-Plane official DataRefs

Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt float n kts> = 0 The wind speed at the plane's location.
Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt [0] float and kts> = 0 The wind speed in knots.
Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt [1] float and kts> = 0 The wind speed in knots.
Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt [2] float and kts> = 0 The wind speed in knots.


As I understand it, the wind speed in the EHSI should be 233/7 and not 231/13 


I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm talking about "wingflex and the cabin lighting" :D;).

I am very happy with IXEG and I really enjoy your top level plane ... But I would like to know how to interpret the wind speed in the aircraft.

I'm just a curious guy

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Hello @JaimeC

I think you need to look at some other datarefs for actual winds acting on the airplane.



wind_heading_deg_mag float 900+ no degrees_magnetic Wind direction currently acting on the plane, in degrees magnetic.
wind_speed_kts float 900+ no knots Wind speed currently acting on the plane, in knots true.

Im not really sure what values sim/weather/wind_speed_kt is indicating.


Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt [0] is X-Plane wind layer 1
Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt [1] is X-Plane wind layer 2
Sim / weather / wind_speed_kt [2] is X-Plane wind layer 3

It is max 3 wind and cloud layers available for X-Plane.

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Very interesting, thanks @Tom Stian

I see that in my capture sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/wind_speed_kts exactly matches the indication in the EHSI (obvious). Soooo, isn't a IXEG bug.

Now it's clearer and ... now I'm more confused. :)

Why is it so different and weird, almost always about a half?
The direction of the wind does not seem to be the factor, because in both dataref sim/weather/  and  sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators  the deg are almost equal.

Mysteries of the X-Plane?;)

I will contact the author of FS-FlightControl commenting on that other dataref. As I said, the air speed indicated on the screen in his program is another.

It's clear to me that IXEG is reading the correct data ... but (I think) FS-FlightControl too, and that is not possible.:huh:

Note: Apologies for the excess of emoticons, but it helps me overcome my insecurity with English and clarify the meaning of my sentences.

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