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Very low fps


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It looks like you've got the cloud draw area setting in SMP cranked up really far, and you're flying in a stormy area. And it's not just a stormy area; it's a worst case scenario from a weather and performance standpoint, with lots of cumulonimbus, towering cumulus, and multiple layers of cumulus congestus clouds all at once. Even a Titan has its limits (especially with HD Mesh installed.)

Dialing back the cloud draw area setting in SMP should help you regain some FPS in these sorts of unusual situations.


Edited by sundog
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Your rig is pretty close to state of the art. I don't think there's anything more you can do worth doing - you just need to dial down the settings a bit. X-Plane and SMP aren't like games where turning up the settings all the way are intended to perform smoothly under all conditions on high end machines. They're built with some future-proofing in mind, so as new technologies emerge they can take full advantage of them.

The only thing that sticks out to me is that your video driver is pretty far out of date. Updating it may be worth doing.


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