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Issue with RWC


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Besides rcmarples great advice, if you have any other plugins, try removing them, and as some have found disabling them doesn't always cut the mustard and can still show problems, so back em up if any installed, remove, and go from there

Only thing i do is the obvious, install smp then rwc, and i do have a few plugins but nothing like the ground handling etc that could/can/have caused a niggle

Hope you get it sorted

Here's a random bit for you .........

I can bench my cpu/gpu overclocks on the 'main' benchers fine n dandy, pass forever and a day, but now i use x-plane 10 as my stability tester !! she can sniff out an unstable oc in seconds to a matter of minutes, as i say a random comment by me, but knowing this can help figure out what seems to be another another issue as i once had to lol, only if you oc of course

Have Fun


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