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How real are the systems of the Jetstream?


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Hello there,


I came along the BAe Jetstream and am thinking to buy it. Unfortunately I am very disappointed with the system simulation of the CRJ 200 so I am afraid the product do not satisfy my personell requirements.

It is stated the pressurisation system is modelled and the air conditioning. What's with hyd's fuel, IRS? Aren't they simulated or just a simple logic like the CRJ 200 has? Is the product of a system sim level like PMDG, Majestics or IXEG products are?

My main point is system simulation and not easyness.


Thanks in advance,



PS: It would be really good if X-Aviation would have a trial for addons like flight1 has so you can give back products.

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Since no one else answered, IMO, I find the saab to be a much more satisfying product...with continued support and more updates coming.  With regards to systems modeled in the Jetstream...I'll let someone else that's more familiar with that aspect address it (never flew it enough to care).  Neither products have an FMC, if that's why you asked about an IRS.

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I have tons of addons that disappointed me too... today I work in plugins to manipulate what the product isn't... some times I can overwrite original behavior some times don't. 

I am tired to ask for more real systems... every developer say to me I am a 0,01% fraction of consumers... and is not interesting to do a lot of work to  made a home use sim....

Recently I was banned from a forum of a free helicopter because I insisted to solve a bug and when nothing was made, I wrote a script to turn original code and manipulate a new behavior... The developer cant work in a product anymore and I do not have a right to update nothing....

Other common developer phrase is about shared datarefs.... they programing everything in compiled and proprietary plugins and do not share the datarefs to be manipulated from other plugins or scripts... I am a cockpit builder and when I look for a product first of all is the level of systems, second is the flight dynamic and third is the manipulation of datarefs for hardware design....

it is the flight simulator market nowadays...


We need more initiative from the community to work together in a product with LEVEL D features... free....open source.....

I am doing a call to work in this.... let's do it community.....

sorry my english....and the comma use LOL

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