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Xsaitekpanels for Hot Start Challenger 650 1.0.1

About This File

I made these 2 files from scripts made by Pils, Ronmont and Abiofly

Made for the combi of Switch Panel - Radio Panel and Multi Panel

Do what it's suppose to do with these  


Switch Panel

MAG=             nothing yet
ALT =             Electrique Gen 1 and 2 (on and off)
Avionics master =     Connect AC external power
De-Ice =        Wing and Cowl (on and off)
Pitot Heat =         Wshld/wing and probes (on and off)
Cowl =            Nose Steer and Thrust reversers L+R (armed and off)
Panel =         nothing yet

Multi panel

Auto throttle switch = nothing yet
Doesn't work yet AP engage switch using the dataref CL650/FCP/ap_eng

Radio Panel

Pretty much what's it supposed to do

You are free to change and update these files but if you do please let the community knows it

Edited by Bolddark

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