@diamonddriller if you want please do an experiment.
Duplicate the C23 folder. Rename the new folder with a "_500" at the end.
From the original folder, delete the rsg_g500 and OpenGPWS plugins, from the C23/plugins/ folder. Also from the top C23 folder, delete the LES_Sundowner_G500.acf file.
From the new "_G500" folder, delete all the .acf files, except the LES_Sundowner_G500.acf one.
This way the G500 is separated from the other acfs, and the other acfs, separate from the G500. Test it if that's works better. If so, in the next update, I might separate the acfs to each own folder.
Programmatically, I am disabling the G5 when is not in use. But, because the G500 depends on another plugin and and using multiple threads, it is impossible to disable them without crashing X-Plane. So G500 will be enabled, even when not used.