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  1. Hi all! I bring you the new modification of the GE & PW engines for the 330 of JarDesign. On this occasion the engines are removed from the RWD 330 with which I can not provide the files, only a texture pack of the engines, which will upload in a few days and I could link in this thread. I hope it helps you and that you like it!
  2. No, sorry. I couldn´t fix the problem. And I think it isn´t a very important problem to flight so I decide to no try to solve it
  3. LEVEL EC-MOU View File LEVEL EC-MOU repaint for A330 JARDesign REG: EC-MOU This is the new low cost airline of gruop IAG. The first flight will be the June 1st from Barcelona to Los Angeles. It does not bring the texture of the engines. You can add the white texture of RR engines or you can follow my tutorial to put the GE engines and make it more realistic Tutorial: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/114106-a330-jardesing-with-ge-engines/#comment-1111277 Thanks for download! My YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/WD1EHa Pd: in a few days you could see a video with this texture in my channel! Submitter ikzay98 Submitted 05/30/2017 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  4. Version 1.0.0


    LEVEL EC-MOU repaint for A330 JARDesign REG: EC-MOU This is the new low cost airline of gruop IAG. The first flight will be the June 1st from Barcelona to Los Angeles. It does not bring the texture of the engines. You can add the white texture of RR engines or you can follow my tutorial to put the GE engines and make it more realistic Tutorial: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/114106-a330-jardesing-with-ge-engines/#comment-1111277 Thanks for download! My YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/WD1EHa Pd: in a few days you could see a video with this texture in my channel!
  5. Hello my name is Iker, I'm 18 and this is my youtube channel: https://goo.gl/WD1EHa Here you can find 2 videos of X-Plane every week and a livestream some weekends. I upload varied content in planes and destinations. I have 2500 hours of experience in the X-Plane which I put into practice modifying some airplane and uploading a tutorial. I fly in IVAO and also control, from time to time upload some video controlling in the tower of Bilbao. The main language of the channel is Spanish but sometimes I upload videos in English so that I can understand them all. I am about to reach 1000 subscribers and I would like to continue growing. I hope your support and that you like my channel. a cordial greeting Here you can see an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM9YwSCe90o&t=153s
  6. It looks very very great! Could you do Bilbao Airport?? ICAO: LEBB Is an airportin the north of Spain with a very beatifull aproach. I think you could make it in the future.
  7. Looks amazing! And I think the wingflex is better than Flight Factor B777
  8. Hello I present the engine modification for the JARDesing A330 It is a very simple modification, the original airplane is the 330 of JARDesing and the objects of the engines are those of the A330 of XplanePaintShop. Here I leave you the download link of what you need to do it and a texture of Air Europa made by me. Files: https://mega.nz/#!wwcgnKbJ!pNNznPlTg1LLsiWdti8p5qiJdAnTdErZef4tZ02ore0 Texture: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/35897-air-europa-ec-jqc-for-a330-jar-desing/ Also I leave the tutorial of how to put these motors in the airplane, using plane maker and a program of editing of photos. Tutorial: It is my first public work with plane maker, I have more projects in mind which will reveal them throughout the year, for the moment they are all modifications. I hope you like it and enjoy it!
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