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When loaded up into X-Plane the aircraft will request two things of you:

1. Your X-Aviation customer account e-mail

2. The password you set up for your account on X-Aviation

After doing so, the product will check with X-Aviation's server to see if you have a valid purchase for the product. If so, a license that is tied to the specific computer it is activated on is then downloaded to the aircraft folder. Should you have a harddrive failure, buy a new computer, etc. re-activation is as simple as just previously stated without the need to contact customer service. If a product is continually being activated on NEW hardware (as it stands you are granted multiple licenses as some people have multiple computers) it may catch this and have you send a message in at this point to get further hardware licenses granted/reset. The system will automatically allow you an unlimited number of re-activations on the same hardware it has issued licenses to.

This software does not "phone home" to our server without you initiating the process (by way of entering your customer account details and pressing 'activate').

In the DC-3 a number of instruments, systems, and autopilot will not be available to you in a non-activated state.

All things considered it's pretty non-invasive when compared to what most are typically used to. We are quick to respond and help out, and our license system is double backed up by Google servers in the event our server is not working at that time.

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