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About alfletcher

  • Birthday 02/16/1963

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    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    Graphic design, Photography, Aviation, Cycling

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  1. Maybe you can build your own «sound environment» using these Website ressources. http://jardesign.org/3d-sound-engine/ http://www.freesound.org/search/?q=aircraft&page=10#sound Alan
  2. What aircraft are you referring? Normally the GPS should update automatically in 10.30+. Just click on the device screen and the popup will show up. +
  3. Have you try this page? http://developer.x-plane.com/2014/03/new-approach-capable-gps-navigator-in-x-plane-10-30/ Alan
  4. The panel LIT texture should be modified accordingly (look in the «cockpit/generic» folder of your aircraft). You can make a screen capture of your actual panel and edit the LIT texture in Photoshop. Normally the LIT texture would have a name like «...night_LIT.png» added at the end. Good luck
  5. Hey JKW, Interesting information. I’ll check if this function could be implemented in my project. But I can’t give you any confirmation regarding the time line though. Cheers Alan
  6. Thanks JKW for your input. I’m happy to see that all the work I’ve done was not vain. Happy flights Alan
  7. Hi jwk, For your information, I don’t have any instrument rating so I have no experience with advanced GPS or NAV approach. Be aware that I built this panel using only generic instruments, so behaviour are based on XP coding not mine. Unfortunately I won’t be able to help you here. Maybe other users could give a try. If you found any bug or system misconception, thanks for reporting them. I’ll do my best to solve it though. The autopilot is based on the KAP140 model as stated in the read me file provided. Here the link to the manual I used. To my knowledge there is no standby mode associated to this device.http://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/KAP140.pdf Alan
  8. C172SP Wide Panel Project is now compatible with XP10.30, including the fuel injected version. Fuel injected (v1.5) http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=21634 or http://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/C172SP_WidePanel_F_v1.5.zip
  9. C172SP Wide Panel Project is now compatible with XP10.30. For the moment, I provided only the carburator version and wait for bug report. The fuel injected versions will be release later. Don’t forget to consult the ReadMe file for important info. Carburator version (v2.2) http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=18737 or http://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/C172SP_WidePanel_C_v2.2.zip Alan
  10. I agree, iMac 27" hands down. http://browser.primatelabs.com/mac-benchmarks#4 Alan
  11. Try to run X-Plane with all render setting to minimum first, using the same aircraft, same airport, time, weather and note your average frame rate. Then increase render setting quality gradually until your hardware gives your the desire frame rate. Try to modify one or two parameter at the time. You may need to restart X-Plane after modifying some of them though. It’s a time consuming task. Good luck Alan
  12. Another update available. Don’t forget to consult the ReadMe file for important info. Carburator version (v2.1) http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=18737 or http://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/C172SP_WidePanel_C_v2.1.zip Fuel Injected versions (v1.4) http://forums.x-plan...showfile=21634) or http://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/C172SP_WidePanel_F_v1.4.zip Alan
  13. Fantastic news! This will be very appreciated. Thanks
  14. Newly updated today and up for grasp. Don’t forget to consult the ReadMe file for important info. Carburator version (v2.0)http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18737orhttp://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/C172SP_WidePanel_C_v2.0.zip Fuel Injected versions (v1.3)http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=21634)orhttp://www.talisman-illustration-design.com/turbulence/files/temp/C172SP_WidePanel_F_v1.3.zip Alan
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