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  1. Hi, after the update 1.03 came out there was an anouncemend in the changelog, that the left and right trim rocker switches can be now assigned sepratly. At the moment the right and the left trim rocker swicthes can only be assigened to trim down "l_trim_rocker Multi-Pos Down, r_trim_rocker Multi-Pos Down", currently there is no option to assign them seperatly for trim up. Eventually I can't use the new feature with my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, please add the feature for trimming up too. Best regards !
  2. Hello Support, I got the problem that I can't use the Flap Axis of my Honeycomb Bravo Quadrant to control the Flaps of the citation, the only way it works is to use the custom AFM command. Is their any way to use the lever of my Yoke to controll the Flaps ? The second Problem is that when I push the both switches on the yoke up and down at the same time, the Trim does not work. I can see that the Trim buttons are moving but the trim wheel. Is it a bug or it a user error Thank for answering !
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Welcome to the Tamarack Active Winglet mod for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525! The real winglet makes the Citation up to 33% more fuel efficient by reducing drag and turbulence. However this mod is purely visual for the time being. To install just follow the installation guide provided in the Zip file. Enjoy!
  4. View File C-GRME TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by the default paintjob of the Hot Start Challenger 650. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;). Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 02/06/2025 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by the default paintjob of the Hot Start Challenger 650. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/LV-FWT To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  7. View File LV-FWT TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/LV-FWT To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;). Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 01/30/2025 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://cessna.txtav.com/en/citation/cj4-gen3 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  9. View File CJ4 Gen3 TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://cessna.txtav.com/en/citation/cj4-gen3 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;). Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 01/02/2025 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
  10. Version 1.0.1


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/HA-KAR. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  11. View File HA-KAR TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/HA-KAR. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;). Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 12/31/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, based on YU-SCJ a Citation 525 owned by Prince Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the YU-SCJ 1.0.0.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy!
  13. View File YU-SCJ TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, based on YU-SCJ a Citation 525 owned by Prince Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the YU-SCJ 1.0.0.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy! Submitter PilotFidi Submitted 12/26/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.ph  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, inspired by N1KD a Citation XLS owned by Duncan Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the N1KD.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy!
  15. View File N1KD TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, inspired by N1KD a Citation XLS owned by Duncan Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the N1KD.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy! Submitter PilotFidi Submitted 12/25/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
  16. Hello! I've just made another attempt in uninstalling the CJ and deleting the TorqueSim folder on Xplane, downloaded and installed again. The sim loads the plane, it appears on the ramp, but doesn't work, the menus for weight and balance, the panel selection, it opens, but does nothing. The plane remains clickable but most of the things doesn't work. Any suggestions? It was working fine in the release version. Best regards, -Ricardo Portela
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N46NE, originally a CJ4. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. The registration is baked onto the tail for this one, you can change the cockpit placard though. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
  18. View File N46NE TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N46NE, originally a CJ4. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. The registration is baked onto the tail for this one, you can change the cockpit placard though. Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 12/22/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    N67AZ for the TorqueSim C525. This a modification of the default livery. I prefer hand painted registrations so I added the real reg to the nacelles. Original artwork by TorqueSim. Contains PBR metallic effects.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    N525HC for TorqueSim Citationjet 525 Extract to your "liveries" folder. Features metallic PBR textures.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    N4HK for the TorqueSim Citation 525. Unzip to your "liveries" folder.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    A complete set of Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, and Landing charts for the TorqueSim Citation 525. includes N1 percentages, Vspeeds, and more, all modeled as closely as possible to the real Textron charts! Special thanks to Aviationsocal, Kaboom, Jetpipeoverheat, and Cptlee for assisting building the PDF document
  23. TorqueSim Cessna Citation 525 Performance Manual View File A complete set of Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, and Landing charts for the TorqueSim Citation 525. includes N1 percentages, Vspeeds, and more, all modeled as closely as possible to the real Textron charts! Special thanks to Aviationsocal, Kaboom, Jetpipeoverheat, and Cptlee for assisting building the PDF document Submitter hornetaircraft Submitted 12/17/2024 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  24. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-ITIP To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim tooling.
  25. View File D-ITIP TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-ITIP To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim tooling. Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 12/16/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
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