Flying simulations of airliner under X-Plane 10.42 and SMP3, I got sometimes very short (1-2 seconds) interruptions. I took it in account. It disturbs me but I had no desire and time to search for the causes. It would also an almost impossible attempt because of the complexity of X-Plane and its plugins.
Two new changes has been made. I upgraded to X-Plane 10.45 and I installed the new AI software from JAR Design (see version b.8. Since then I got on regular basic crashes during my flights ! Who is to blame? After crash I looked at the log.txt file. Every time before crash, the last proceeding was the Memory Check: GPU and CPU KB !
Already during the my flights I have experienced longer interruptions of the simulation, which lasted up to 10 seconds. My suspicion is that these breaks are also going to the account of SMP3 as these Memory Check in log.txt repeatedly at certain intervals occurs.
Has anyone knowledge about the function of this Memory Check and if it can cause breaks?
can an alteration of SMP parameter afford rectification?
Log copy.txt