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Found 2 results

  1. File Name: Simple Season File Submitter: ShePooley File Submitted: 08 Jan 2013 File Category: Plugins and Utilities How to install: Select the version of snow you want: normal snow, deep snow or very deep snow. You only need one of it. For Alaska I prefer the version with very deep snow. Replace the old Simple Season with the new one and delete the file "SP_version" in the root of the folder "zzzzzz1000 world terrain" or delete the folder "zzzzzz1000 world terrain" in your custom scenery folder. This short python script will give you the 4 seasons! The script puts a copy of the default scenery in the custom scenery folder and adds 4 sets of textures: winter, summer, spring and fall. If you are starting X-Plane 10 or moving the aircraft (location -> select global airport) it will calculate the needed season and activate it No restart of X-Plane is needed. January - March: winter in the north...summer in the south April - June: spring in the north ...fall in the south July - September: summer in the north...winter in the south October - December: fall in the north...spring in the south If the temperature at your airport is below -2° C it will set winter too If it is winter and the temperature higher than +2° it will switch to autumn. My script do not include any texture files, this must be done by the community. That means you will not see any difference between summer, spring and fall until you have added textures for it. It uses the default texture files to create a very simple winterworld for X-Plane. It is not really a nice winterworld but better than nothing. I only added the simple winter to show that my script is working, do not expect too much. X-Plane 9 users can install the well known WinterWorld into my script. It is easy to add texture files to it. If you add your own texture files to my system then you must do it to the folder "SP_texture_template" with the subfolders summer, winter, spring and fall. The folder "SP_texture_templatefall" will be the root of the scenery folder after the season fall is activated. If you put your files to the normal texture folders it can happen that you overwrite the default X-Plane texture files. If this happen then you must run the X-Plane installer to repair X-Plane! Scenery designer can use my script to switch their scenery too Harddisk space: --------------------- This script do not touch any real file, it is no more than a gigant softlink manager. That means you do not need free harddisk space untill you are adding texture files. X-Plane Versions: ---------------------- This script will work with all versions of X-Plane 9 and 10 till 10.99, X-Plane cant break it (at least i hope it) If my script detects a new version it will rebuild the system and every thing should work fine How to install: ------------------------------ It requires Sandy Barbours Python interface http://www.xpluginsd...n_interface.htm Drop it in the folder PythonScripts and start X-Plane For the first start my script will need a very long time to copy the default scenery, my system needs around 17 minutes for it and my computer isn't slow After the installation you must restart X-Plane to register the new scenery. Known limitations: -------------------------- You can change all files inside the default scenery except the library.txt. This file is always the default version. If you change it then X-Plane will crash! If my script is switching the scenery than X-Plane needs a few seconds to do this. During this time X-Plane is not responding. This is a limitation by X-Plane, there is no way to change it. Click here to download this file Simple Season - complete.zip
  2. Version 0.5


    How to install: Select the version of snow you want: normal snow, deep snow or very deep snow. You only need one of it. For Alaska I prefer the version with very deep snow. Replace the old Simple Season with the new one and delete the file "SP_version" in the root of the folder "zzzzzz1000 world terrain" or delete the folder "zzzzzz1000 world terrain" in your custom scenery folder. This short python script will give you the 4 seasons! The script puts a copy of the default scenery in the custom scenery folder and adds 4 sets of textures: winter, summer, spring and fall. If you are starting X-Plane 10 or moving the aircraft (location -> select global airport) it will calculate the needed season and activate it No restart of X-Plane is needed. January - March: winter in the north...summer in the south April - June: spring in the north ...fall in the south July - September: summer in the north...winter in the south October - December: fall in the north...spring in the south If the temperature at your airport is below -2° C it will set winter too If it is winter and the temperature higher than +2° it will switch to autumn. My script do not include any texture files, this must be done by the community. That means you will not see any difference between summer, spring and fall until you have added textures for it. It uses the default texture files to create a very simple winterworld for X-Plane. It is not really a nice winterworld but better than nothing. I only added the simple winter to show that my script is working, do not expect too much. X-Plane 9 users can install the well known WinterWorld into my script. It is easy to add texture files to it. If you add your own texture files to my system then you must do it to the folder "SP_texture_template" with the subfolders summer, winter, spring and fall. The folder "SP_texture_templatefall" will be the root of the scenery folder after the season fall is activated. If you put your files to the normal texture folders it can happen that you overwrite the default X-Plane texture files. If this happen then you must run the X-Plane installer to repair X-Plane! Scenery designer can use my script to switch their scenery too Harddisk space: --------------------- This script do not touch any real file, it is no more than a gigant softlink manager. That means you do not need free harddisk space untill you are adding texture files. X-Plane Versions: ---------------------- This script will work with all versions of X-Plane 9 and 10 till 10.99, X-Plane cant break it (at least i hope it) If my script detects a new version it will rebuild the system and every thing should work fine How to install: ------------------------------ It requires Sandy Barbours Python interface http://www.xpluginsd...n_interface.htm Drop it in the folder PythonScripts and start X-Plane For the first start my script will need a very long time to copy the default scenery, my system needs around 17 minutes for it and my computer isn't slow After the installation you must restart X-Plane to register the new scenery. Known limitations: -------------------------- You can change all files inside the default scenery except the library.txt. This file is always the default version. If you change it then X-Plane will crash! If my script is switching the scenery than X-Plane needs a few seconds to do this. During this time X-Plane is not responding. This is a limitation by X-Plane, there is no way to change it.
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