1st let me say I have been involved with X-Plane from the very beginning but I have also been involved as a pledge backer of this project. I would like to bring it to everyone's attention. It's Called Star Citizen https://robertsspaceindustries.com For anyone who has not heard of the game in development, It is being developed as a 100% crowd funded AAA game [the only one of its kind]. They have raised over $21 million already and is the vision of the legendary Chris Roberts. As of last night they just announced a 3-D modeling contest patterned after a game show where teams of modelers and artists will compete for $30,000 cash.1st prize along with swagg donated by AMD, Alien ware , and a host of other companies here's the link for details . https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13315-The-Next-Great-Starship . Go check it out. People. I know the flight simulator community has some fantastic 3-D modelers . I am proud to call myself one of them. . I am equally proud to call myself a Star Citizen.