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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.25


    Basically the default x-plane 10 747, but with many corrections to its animation and an overhauled flight model. I could not stand the inaccuracies of the default XP10 747, and I have waited for quite a while for someone at Laminar to fix them. A lot of data in PlaneMaker is totally off, including the outrageously high SFC (at 0.600) which made my plane crash at the tip of Hokkaido while I flew from LAX to TPE. The animation of the slats were disgusting too. And the last wire was the fact that roll spoilers aren’t animated. So one day I woke up and decided to fix them myself. This file was uploaded onto the org a week ago, but here it is. The objects here are much more refined than the ones I uploaded on the org, with edited landing gears, wings, and horizontal stabilizers. ​Includes four aircraft, one for each type of engine! PW4056 PW4062 GE CF6-80C2B5F (higher thrust, higher SFC) GE CF6-80C2B1F (lower thrust, lower SFC) Here's the very long list of modifications: Accurate SFC for PW4056, PW4062, GE CF6-80C2B1F, and GE CF6-80C2B5F. Information from http://www.jet-engin.../civtfspec.html , a complete chart of every engine out there. The PW4056 has 56,750 lbs of thrust, with sea level SFC at 0.320 and high altitude SFC at 0.572. This is the one that is used on the default United livery. The PW4062 has 63,300 lbs of thrust, with sea level SFC at 0.335 and high altitude SFC at 0.587 The CF6-80C2B1F has 57,160 lbs of thrust with sea level SFC at 0.316 and high altitude SFC at 0.564. Used on China Airlines, JAL, KLM, Lufthansa, Eva Air, and a bunch of others. The CF6-80C2B5F has 62,100 lbs of thrust with sea level SFC at 0.323 and high altitude SFC at 0.571 Bypass ratio 4.9 for PW engines and 5.2 for GE engines. [*]I learned AC3D and tilted all landing gears at the right angles. [*]Horizontal Tail moves with trim. [*]Radii of gyration edited. [*]Landing gear damping edited. [*]Flaps coefficient dropped from 2.5 to 1.2 [*]Landing gear deployment time edited. [*]Resized outboard ailerons in flight model from 20% into 30% of chord to match real size. [*]Outboard aileron deflection now 15 degrees down and 20 degrees up. [*]Outboard aileron locks past 270 KIAS, just like the real thing. Now while flying at high speed roll rate is slow because you only have the inboards. This is implemented in the flight model and the wing object. [*]Accurate engine data, different for each engine, including bypass ratio, max RPM, thrust, critical altitude, and a bunch of other tweaks. [*]Complex spoiler and speedbrakes fully modeled in flightmodel and object. There are six speedbrakes on each wing: [*]The outmost two (1 and 2) only act as roll spoilers in flight at 45 degrees, but acts as speedbrake at 45 degrees on ground. [*]Spoilers 3 and 4 act both as flight and ground speedbrakes and roll spoilers at 45 degrees. [*]Spoiler 5 act as roll spoiler and flight speedbrakes at only 20 degrees, but ground speedbrakes at 45 degrees. [*]Spoiler 6 does not act as roll spoiler, but only speedbrakes at 20 degrees. [*]Now the roll spoilers move visually in wing obj. Before the objects only moved with speedbrakes, not spoilers. [*]The kruger-flaps looked retarded on the default 747 because they only opened up half way. They look less retarded now because I edited the animation and they open up fully. The kruger-flaps were not modeled correctly, so they still look some-what stupid. [*]In the real 747, the inboard kruger flaps open at flaps 1 while the outboard at flaps 5. This is now modeled in the flight model and the object animation by editing the obj file with a text document. This took an agonizing three hours. [*]The horizontal tail and vertical tail had too thick airfoils. I changed the vertical stabilizer to NACA 0006 and the horizontal stabilizers to NACA 64-209 inverted at the root and NACA 64-206 inverted at the tip. And I have different airfoils for the h. stab at low and high Reynolds! [*]The winglets had thick symmetrical airfoils, but in the real thing they produce lift so they are not just wing fences, so I used NACA 64-206 airfoil. [*]Vertical tail sweep slightly refined. [*]Autopilot rings when approaching target altitude. [*]Stall warning alpha raised from 10 to 15. [*]Flap limits refined. [*]Maximum control deflection time is 0.5 seconds. [*]Center tank pump pressure increased so it will empty first. [*]System numbers modified. Installation: Installation: Make four copies of the default 747. Name each folder (after engine type): ​CF6-80C2B5F CF6-80C2B1F PW4062 PW4056 ​Now, open up the download. Then open one of the subfolder (example, PW4062). You should see 747-400 United under the PW4062 folder. Copy that and drop it into the folder named PW4062 you have created. Click yes for replace. Copy the contents of the object folder into the objects folder inside the folder you created. Click yes for replace. Copy the airfoil folder into the folder you have created. Repeat these steps for other engines. Incredible thanks to CWilliams for posting this great page: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=61457. Dedicated to Pierre Lavaux who showed me that page, and Peter Tram, and the whole of X-Plane Aviators for their support. Thanks to Mohammad Gazzawi / Sergio Santagada / Javier Rollon for the basic 747. Do not distribute the obj file or acf file without my permission. Contact me first at jeffreynasa@hotmail.com Pierre Lavaux is working on the custom sounds for the next update, and Alex Reichert is working on the systems too. I would think these would be included for the next update.
  2. File Name: Corrected XP10 747 File Submitter: aeropilot File Submitted: 23 Dec 2012 File Category: Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 Basically the default x-plane 10 747, but with many corrections to its animation and an overhauled flight model. I could not stand the inaccuracies of the default XP10 747, and I have waited for quite a while for someone at Laminar to fix them. A lot of data in PlaneMaker is totally off, including the outrageously high SFC (at 0.600) which made my plane crash at the tip of Hokkaido while I flew from LAX to TPE. The animation of the slats were disgusting too. And the last wire was the fact that roll spoilers aren’t animated. So one day I woke up and decided to fix them myself. This file was uploaded onto the org a week ago, but here it is. The objects here are much more refined than the ones I uploaded on the org, with edited landing gears, wings, and horizontal stabilizers. ​Includes four aircraft, one for each type of engine! PW4056 PW4062 GE CF6-80C2B5F (higher thrust, higher SFC) GE CF6-80C2B1F (lower thrust, lower SFC) Here's the very long list of modifications: Accurate SFC for PW4056, PW4062, GE CF6-80C2B1F, and GE CF6-80C2B5F. Information from http://www.jet-engin.../civtfspec.html , a complete chart of every engine out there. The PW4056 has 56,750 lbs of thrust, with sea level SFC at 0.320 and high altitude SFC at 0.572. This is the one that is used on the default United livery. The PW4062 has 63,300 lbs of thrust, with sea level SFC at 0.335 and high altitude SFC at 0.587 The CF6-80C2B1F has 57,160 lbs of thrust with sea level SFC at 0.316 and high altitude SFC at 0.564. Used on China Airlines, JAL, KLM, Lufthansa, Eva Air, and a bunch of others. The CF6-80C2B5F has 62,100 lbs of thrust with sea level SFC at 0.323 and high altitude SFC at 0.571 Bypass ratio 4.9 for PW engines and 5.2 for GE engines. [*]I learned AC3D and tilted all landing gears at the right angles. [*]Horizontal Tail moves with trim. [*]Radii of gyration edited. [*]Landing gear damping edited. [*]Flaps coefficient dropped from 2.5 to 1.2 [*]Landing gear deployment time edited. [*]Resized outboard ailerons in flight model from 20% into 30% of chord to match real size. [*]Outboard aileron deflection now 15 degrees down and 20 degrees up. [*]Outboard aileron locks past 270 KIAS, just like the real thing. Now while flying at high speed roll rate is slow because you only have the inboards. This is implemented in the flight model and the wing object. [*]Accurate engine data, different for each engine, including bypass ratio, max RPM, thrust, critical altitude, and a bunch of other tweaks. [*]Complex spoiler and speedbrakes fully modeled in flightmodel and object. There are six speedbrakes on each wing: [*]The outmost two (1 and 2) only act as roll spoilers in flight at 45 degrees, but acts as speedbrake at 45 degrees on ground. [*]Spoilers 3 and 4 act both as flight and ground speedbrakes and roll spoilers at 45 degrees. [*]Spoiler 5 act as roll spoiler and flight speedbrakes at only 20 degrees, but ground speedbrakes at 45 degrees. [*]Spoiler 6 does not act as roll spoiler, but only speedbrakes at 20 degrees. [*]Now the roll spoilers move visually in wing obj. Before the objects only moved with speedbrakes, not spoilers. [*]The kruger-flaps looked retarded on the default 747 because they only opened up half way. They look less retarded now because I edited the animation and they open up fully. The kruger-flaps were not modeled correctly, so they still look some-what stupid. [*]In the real 747, the inboard kruger flaps open at flaps 1 while the outboard at flaps 5. This is now modeled in the flight model and the object animation by editing the obj file with a text document. This took an agonizing three hours. [*]The horizontal tail and vertical tail had too thick airfoils. I changed the vertical stabilizer to NACA 0006 and the horizontal stabilizers to NACA 64-209 inverted at the root and NACA 64-206 inverted at the tip. And I have different airfoils for the h. stab at low and high Reynolds! [*]The winglets had thick symmetrical airfoils, but in the real thing they produce lift so they are not just wing fences, so I used NACA 64-206 airfoil. [*]Vertical tail sweep slightly refined. [*]Autopilot rings when approaching target altitude. [*]Stall warning alpha raised from 10 to 15. [*]Flap limits refined. [*]Maximum control deflection time is 0.5 seconds. [*]Center tank pump pressure increased so it will empty first. [*]System numbers modified. Installation: Installation: Make four copies of the default 747. Name each folder (after engine type): ​CF6-80C2B5F CF6-80C2B1F PW4062 PW4056 ​Now, open up the download. Then open one of the subfolder (example, PW4062). You should see 747-400 United under the PW4062 folder. Copy that and drop it into the folder named PW4062 you have created. Click yes for replace. Copy the contents of the object folder into the objects folder inside the folder you created. Click yes for replace. Copy the airfoil folder into the folder you have created. Repeat these steps for other engines. Incredible thanks to CWilliams for posting this great page: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=61457. Dedicated to Pierre Lavaux who showed me that page, and Peter Tram, and the whole of X-Plane Aviators for their support. Thanks to Mohammad Gazzawi / Sergio Santagada / Javier Rollon for the basic 747. Do not distribute the obj file or acf file without my permission. Contact me first at jeffreynasa@hotmail.com Pierre Lavaux is working on the custom sounds for the next update, and Alex Reichert is working on the systems too. I would think these would be included for the next update. Click here to download this file
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