I have now completed a few dozen flights with the Challenger.
I notice that during descent, the ATS speed control is quite erratic in maintaining the FCP selected speed.
For example, speed set to 240 under FL100, from current speed of 290: upon reaching 240 after the deceleration, the throttles get increased a few knots before reaching 240 and push the aircraft to ~248, then throttles get reduced by the ATS.
Again, upon reaching between 243 and 240, the throttles engage again, pushing the aircraft to ~248, and back down again.
I believe the ATS needs some fine tuning, as it is currently too aggressive, pushing the nose up and down, into a clear oscillation pattern.
This is happening no matter what the weather is, and annoys me to a point where I often take manual control of the throttles.
One thing I also notice, relating to all this, is the amber GND Spoilers alert on the MFD, as soon as you overspeed by as little as 3 or 4 knots; is this also happening in the real thing?
I reckon there might be some settings related to those sensitivities somewhere in the settings, of which I am not aware; so I will be happy if someone can point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance for any help in resolving this.