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Found 9 results

  1. Hi folks, I'm struggling to get any of my earlier purchases installed on my iMac (Late 2015 model, Sierra). When I double-click setup-osx after extracting the Zip, it literally does nothing at all. No icon in the dock, nothing with that name in Activity Monitor. I've tried some of the other suggestions here (using Stuffit and running the installer from the Terminal) but still no luck. The specific one I'm trying to install at the moment is the Sequoia. I emailed support a couple of times, but no response has been received. Regards, Mark
  2. I'm reaching out to other Mac Sierra users with SkyMaxx Pro 3.x No matter what preset rendering settings I try to use on X-Plane 10.5.1rc, SkyMaxx Pro claims have have zero video RAM available. I am using the beta Gizmo plugin, so at least I can use the product. I have a 2GB video card and using 1920x1080 along with the very lowest XP rendering settings I'm constantly getting SMP warning that I have zero video RAM available. Does anyone know if there is an official known issue list published? This would sure save hours of searching forums looking for answers. Maybe I missed finding the minimum hardware/OS requirements too. Thanks to anyone out in the forum that has a few tips.
  3. Hi! Can someone help me? When i load CRJ 200 on mac, there are only dark screens in x-plane 10 i have os x Yosemite. this is my log-file 0:00:20.825 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/Heavy Metal/CRJ-200/CRJ200.acf Fetching plugins for /Users/ila/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/Heavy Metal/CRJ-200/plugins dlerror:dlopen(/Users/ila/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/Heavy Metal/CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/mac.xpl, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:/Users/ila/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Aircraft/Heavy Metal/CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/mac.xpl: mach-o, but wrong architecture
  4. Hi everyone, I am totally new on the X-plane world (and also in the Mac world) I downloaded couple of sceneries in order to improve X plane and read in different topics on internet that the order of the addons has to be changed (texture, mesh, scenery..). To do so, there is a need to open a file called "scenery_packs.ini", located in the "Custom Scenery" repertory. The problem is that I tried to open this .ini file with word, or "pages" but it doesn't work, I tried to find an application which can open that kind of extension in mac, and found one called "file into professional". I can open the page but only partially. No possibility to reorganise the order of the sceneries inside the file... If an X-Plane user in Mac knows how to open that file, I would be glad to have some help Thank you for your answers
  5. Hello all, I am totally new to forums. And i'll will try in my best Englisch. Can someone help me to get my crj-200 working. I am using X-plane 10.22 on a mac with Mavericks 64-bit I have a only a dvd The battery master will not switch. Thanks a lot, J
  6. Hi. My name is ilya and sorry for my very bad english ----- i have 2 OS - Mavericks and Yosemite. And i have x-plane 10.25 i buy CRJ-200 and thy to open it. But i can't, because engines and others thinks is unaveable I dont`t know, what i need to do, because i read a lot of you forums at this questions, but CRJ-200 unaveable.... can you help me, please, and i can give all information, if u need. i try to ran x-plane 32 and 64 bit.. but maybe because i have DEMO X-PLANE.. but i don't think so, that in i have demo, i can't start engines on crj-200.. please, help me, and sorry for me english((
  7. Details about Mac/OSX version of FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane 10 Calling all X-Plane pilots! As an X-Plane pilot we thought you'd like to know some exciting news about FSFlyingSchool. So... what does FSFlyingSchool do and what features will be in this version? FSFlyingSchool is unique in the world of flight simulation. It provides a talking instructor who will accompany you on every flight in any powered airplane, anywhere in the world. The instructor's voice is a real human, not computer generated. The program's artificial intelligence reacts to your airmanship and dozens of other factors in real time - you get immediate spoken advice on how to fly your best. FSFlyingSchool is used by thousands of real and simulator pilots all over the world. It's not just for little Cessnas! You can fly with an instructor in a 787 Dreamliner whenever you want to! This is our first Kickstarter project - we need to explain right up front how a project with Kickstarter works... We are not asking for charity! No money changes hands unless the goal amount is met by May 18 2014. If the goal is met and you paid $42.00 or more you will be sent a download copy of the full program upon its completion. We expect to complete the program by November this year. Some folks want to "wait until it is published and just buy it then". Sadly, if most folks do this - the project will not proceed (get funded). There will be nothing for anyone "to buy". NOTE: (The US dollar amount above is currently around £25, 31 EUR, 46 AUD, 47 CAD). _______________________________________________ We have launched a project to raise funds for the development of this new version of FSFlyingSchool and with your help we will publish it! As you may know, we've been publishing FSFlyingSchool for Windows for 7 years; we are an established part of the flight simulation industry. Folks love our version for X-Plane 10 for Windows and have been asking about a Mac version. We are ready! To find out all the facts and how to get your copy of FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane 10 (Mac/OSX)just click this link FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane 10 (Mac/OSX) Conceptual artwork of Information Screen _______________________________________________ Boxed edition conceptual artwork Click this link so we can meet you at the Project Headquarters! A final thought: Even if you don't use the Mac, please let your Mac friends know, as any interest generated for FSFlyingSchool helps support the product and leads to the development of new features and products for all versions. Thanks so much for your interest
  8. it says "I am contacting www.x-plane.com to find an update server" and gets stuck there. I don't know how to make it update. I attached a picture of this.
  9. Hopefully someone here can help as I've left two messages now via the website at X-Aviation and haven't received any reply. I'm running on a Mac with xplane 10.22. I purchased the Oregon scenery pack and downloaded the installer. When I run the installer it asks for my login credentials and my download key, along with my X-Plane install directory and a download directory. There are no error messages, and the installer says that the install is successful, but it went very quickly and the only thing on the drive in my specified download directory is a file titled "Denied//Invalid request." with a "file_list.txt" with the same "Denied//Invalid request." within it. X-Plane is not in my home directory as I read that could have been a problem. I've checked and rechecked my login credentials and download key. I can't think of anything else to try. Can anyone offer assistance? Thanks, Dave
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