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  1. As seen in the attached image. Used GPT4 to hopefully correct the file O4_Imagery_Utils adding the following; ############################################################################################################################### # Additional logic for identifying and redownloading white areas missing_areas = identify_white_boxes(big_image) for area in missing_areas: new_area = attempt_redownload(area) if new_area: merge_areas(big_image, new_area, area) # Rest of your existing saving logic # ...# Additional functions like identify_white_boxes, download_specific_area, is_valid, merge_areas# would need to be implemented. ############################################################################################################################### def build_jpeg_ortho(tile, til_x_left,til_y_top,zoomlevel,provider_code,out_file_name=''): texture_attributes=(til_x_left,til_y_top,zoomlevel,provider_code) if provider_code in local_combined_providers_dict: data_found=False for rlayer in local_combined_providers_dict[provider_code]: (y0,x0)=GEO.gtile_to_wgs84(til_x_left,til_y_top,zoomlevel) (y1,x1)=GEO.gtile_to_wgs84(til_x_left+16,til_y_top+16,zoomlevel) if len(local_combined_providers_dict[provider_code])==1 or has_data((x0,y0,x1,y1),rlayer['extent_code'],is_mask_layer= (tile.lat,tile.lon, tile.mask_zl) if rlayer['priority']=='mask' else False): data_found=True true_til_x_left=til_x_left true_til_y_top=til_y_top true_zl=zoomlevel if 'max_zl' in providers_dict[rlayer['layer_code']]: max_zl=int(providers_dict[rlayer['layer_code']]['max_zl']) if max_zl<zoomlevel: (latmed,lonmed)=GEO.gtile_to_wgs84(til_x_left+8,til_y_top+8,zoomlevel) (true_til_x_left,true_til_y_top)=GEO.wgs84_to_orthogrid(latmed,lonmed,max_zl) true_zl=max_zl true_texture_attributes=(true_til_x_left,true_til_y_top,true_zl,rlayer['layer_code']) true_file_name=FNAMES.jpeg_file_name_from_attributes(true_til_x_left, true_til_y_top, true_zl,rlayer['layer_code']) true_file_dir=FNAMES.jpeg_file_dir_from_attributes(tile.lat, tile.lon,true_zl,providers_dict[rlayer['layer_code']]) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(true_file_dir,true_file_name)): UI.vprint(1," Downloading missing orthophoto "+true_file_name+" (for combining in "+provider_code+")") if not download_jpeg_ortho(true_file_dir,true_file_name,*true_texture_attributes): return 0 else: UI.vprint(1," The orthophoto "+true_file_name+" (for combining in "+provider_code+") is already present.") if not data_found: UI.lvprint(1," -> !!! Warning : No data found for building the combined texture", FNAMES.dds_file_name_from_attributes(*texture_attributes)," !!!") return 0 if out_file_name: big_img=combine_textures(tile,til_x_left,til_y_top,zoomlevel,provider_code) big_img.convert('RGB').save(out_file_name) elif provider_code in providers_dict: # In case one would like to save combined orthos as jpegs (this can be useful to use different masks parameters for imagery masks layers and actual masks file_name=FNAMES.jpeg_file_name_from_attributes(til_x_left, til_y_top, zoomlevel,provider_code) file_dir=FNAMES.jpeg_file_dir_from_attributes(tile.lat, tile.lon,zoomlevel,providers_dict[provider_code]) big_img=combine_textures(tile,til_x_left,til_y_top,zoomlevel,provider_code) if not os.path.exists(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) try: big_img.convert('RGB').save(os.path.join(file_dir,file_name)) except Exception as e: UI.lvprint(0,"OS Error : could not save orthophoto on disk, received message :",e) return 0 elif provider_code in providers_dict: file_name=FNAMES.jpeg_file_name_from_attributes(til_x_left, til_y_top, zoomlevel,provider_code) file_dir=FNAMES.jpeg_file_dir_from_attributes(tile.lat, tile.lon,zoomlevel,providers_dict[provider_code]) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_dir,file_name)): UI.vprint(1," Downloading missing orthophoto "+file_name) if not download_jpeg_ortho(file_dir,file_name,*texture_attributes): return 0 else: UI.vprint(1," The orthophoto "+file_name+" is already present.") else: (tlat,tlon)=GEO.gtile_to_wgs84(til_x_left+8,til_y_top+8,zoomlevel) UI.vprint(1," Unknown provider",provider_code,"or it has no data around",tlat,tlon,".") return 0 return 1 Seems to work thus far but I'm shooting in the dark essentially, I'm not a coder, just a hobbyist. Maybe someone could review and let me know if I'm heading in the right direction? O4_Imagery_Utils.py
  2. Figured it out, it's because of the VPN, turned that off and it was fine.
  3. Anyone got any thoughts on the problem shown? Also is there a forum somewhere with FSGRW support?
  4. How might one go about making right the wrong if one was willing to try to do so? I do genuinely appreciate your position and apologise for what went on in our group. I make no excuse.
  5. Okay, I completely understand your position there. I thought a once off amnesty might bring back customers who actually spent hundreds on your products, learned their lesson when the products became unusable and changed their behavior but as I say, I do completely understand.
  6. Wow, that's excellent news for a lot of people I'd imagine. I for one will really appreciate that when it comes. Thanks gents!
  7. I was hoping that this would have as a side effect the once off reset of activations but alas it was not to be. That's a pity, it would have been nice.
  8. SkyMaxx Pro is one of the top addons in XP in my book. Certainly worthy of the upgrade price. Looking forward to trying it out with XP11.
  9. Rightly or wrongly, I've had it in my mind for quite a time now that we would have this for christmas. I've been so looking forward to it. I decided not to get P3d v3 on the basis that once this comes out I expect to not need anything else if the videos are anything to go by. I'm expecting this to be a truly excellent rendition. Great to see this forum come on stream. Can hardly wait!
  10. I could totally get it all the way to the crash site
  11. Good to know it's even in the pipeline, I really love the Falco!
  12. User42

    No ATC

    Hi, I cannot use XP ATC at all. Nothing shows when I hit Contact ATC. When I tune to ATIS I don't hear anything. Text and sound are active in the Sound tab in Settings. Any advise would be appreciated as I'd like to use PilotEdge.
  13. I've found Bing maps to be better for creating scenery than Google. Which services do you find best? It might not be too hard to use them yourself to get what you need. My XP folder weighs in at a palrty 989GB at the moment and growing, had to get a 3TB drive to accomodate all of Ireland/UK at ZL18.
  14. Thanks a lot John, you can be assured that how you've handled the upgrade means that I will buy all your future products, bravo Sir! Really looking forward to this.
  15. I only bring this up because I was involved in a thread over at Avsim and it came up after which was it asked if the issue could be raised here. This is inconsequential to me really but it might help the devs so here goes. When I run the latest beta of XP10 and begin a flight, there is a blue haze all around me about 50 meters out from the aircraft. I disable and then re-enable the Silver Lining plugin and the problem goes away, I've just gotten used to doing it that way and it's no biggie. If testing of any nature is required I will oblige. The only reason I've not tried to isolate the issue is that I run photoscenery at ZL18 so starting the sim or making changes can take 15 minutes so I generally just set up and fly. Great plugin btw.
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