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  1. Thanks to all. I have also the feeling that the CPU may be the bottleneck, because in my "old" laptop I had the Intel i7 2670 - which was or still is one of the fastest CPUs for a laptop. The performance boost with the new desktop pc is not thaaaat huge at X-Plane 10 (CPU is limiting) than in other games, where the new GTX 680 can show off.
  2. @OlaHaldor: Ok, I almost get the same fps. The second settings are quite nice, but I thought that a GTX 680 with a new Intel CPU would achieve more frames. Especially on final approach and taxiing on ground, the framerate is very low. Expected more
  3. @OlaHaldor: Thanks a lot! Great support! Just testing it, going to post the results here.
  4. @OlaHaldor: Could you make a screenshot of your settings and post your framerate at KSEA with the standart B747? I just gonna bite into my a** if I took the "wrong" graphics card by thinking 2GB VRAM would be good enough...
  5. So I just found one thread about GTX 680 and X-Plane 10 where the size of the Vram was discussed. Do you think the 2GBs Vram are the problem and I should have taken the 4 GB card?? Does anyone have a similiar pc configuration and could post his framerates with video settings?
  6. @RealScenery: Thanks for your post. Unfortunately I cannot choose Vsync on (option on the right top) to try it out. It's already off.
  7. Hi all, just bought a new pc to replace my "old" laptop (MSI GT780DXR with i7 2670, 8GB Ram and GTX570M) with following config: Intel i7-3770, 8 GB Ram, 256 GB SSD, Palit Geforce 680 GTX with 2GB VRam, Win7 64bit (Asrock Z77 Mainboard). I thought that this system would rock X-Plane 10 (10.20) and there would be a great framerate... Nothing! At all! It's even slower than my "old" laptop! High details, no HDR anitaliasing and ONLY 15-20fps at KSEA airport!!! I installed the newest drivers for the graphiccard and everything is up-to-date. What am I doing wrong? Please help! I just love X-Plane 10! Cheers, Nasszelle PS.: All other games are performing well, just X-Plane seems not to like my system.
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