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  1. Hello everyone, So I have been using the reality xp 750 and 650. I have noticed that when using these I cannot use the second unit for gps or, should I say, the gps does not follow the flight plan on the second gps. Also noted that when using the second garmin unit in NAV mode, it does follow but makes the plane climb a bit more than 200 feet automatically. Even if I use both 650 units I get the same result. Any idea what is going on here? When using the default 430s everything seems to work well. I appreciate your help. Thanks!
  2. Tha solved it. Thanks!
  3. Hello everyone, So it started yesterday that I noticed when I would try to start the plane, I would follow the checklist and all but, as soon I would turn on the fuel boost, the fuel in the tank would just start running out (a virtual leak??) on the tank. Within seconds I would get the fuel imbalance alarm and in less than a minute, the tank goes down to empty. I uninstalled, re-nstalled. Deleted and installed again. What am I missing?
  4. Same problem here. Avitab works well on my other aircraft but not on this one. Just the black screen.
  5. Great job with this! But, before I drive myself crazy, is anybody having issues with the AVtab? On mine it just shows a dark screen. av tab works great on my other aircraft Just me?.
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