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About clayrb

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I was flying at my home airport KGVL and looking out the windows of my home noticed a heavy layer of gray and black clouds with winds coming our of the Northeast about 15-20 mph. So I downloaded the weather from Xplane and it was overcast but nothing like my real weather. I do have SkyMaxx installed and the defaults on but I could not get it to replicate the weather at my location? Is it my and my settings or Skymaxx does not replicate real weather? Thanks, Roger
  2. I stand corrected I just discovered that I hit the wrong place................ Roger P.S. thanks for the upgrade
  3. Followed the instructions and there was no link to the update on my account page? Can you advise Thanks,
  4. clayrb


    Thanks I would appreciate it if he could help me with my license.........
  5. clayrb


    Thanks for the replies.............dumb me I have too many plug ins activated so that was my problem on the issue of a 2D cockpit. However is it normal to fill out the activation wizard every time I fly? Also the plane banks to the right all of the time? I have calibrated my joystick and check the fuel balance still I can't figure it out? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks,
  6. clayrb


    I have activated the license but cannot do anything else. The engines are running but can't operate anything else? It's stuck in 2D view mode? Any suggestions please? Thanks,
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