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Patrik Hedström

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Everything posted by Patrik Hedström

  1. Chris you think you could send me the file via a PM? Since I'm banned on .org and I sadly can't gain access to the airport.
  2. I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am desperatly searching for a CYYZ/YYZ scenery for X-Plane 9, if ANYBODY has one and he/she is willing to share with me please PM me or post here.
  3. Today I flew CYUL-KMIA on a jetBlue A320. More pictures HERE
  4. Ok since nobody seems to enjoy what I am doing I'm personally no longer doing any Fly-In's.
  5. Today I flew KJFK-CYVR on a jetBlue Embraer E-190 More pictures HERE
  6. Ok I will work on these problems if there is a Fly-In next week.
  7. No you did not, but I must be stupid because I don't understand what are the problems you are saying that this fly-in has.
  8. Ok I'm stupid, please tell me what I'm doing that is making this flying so bad?
  9. You bet, only thing missing is a nice big red bow!
  10. a ) As I said before I asked Cameron and he said yes. b ) Ok let me ask you again: What am I doing so wrong?
  11. Now this is what I call funny! I can't stop laughing every-time is see the picture of this guy (moron, idiot, @ss,... you choose really how you wanna call him) ducked-taped in his seat. I can't believe this guy (moron, idiot, @ss,... you choose really how you wanna call him) tried to chock somebody and then decided to go on spiting rampage! "Unruly passengers are an unfortunate reality of air travel—but we've never seen one dealt with so efficiently and effectively! According to a Port Authority spokesman, an "apparently intoxicated" man who was acting "in a disorderly fashion" was restrained by passengers and crew members on an Icelandair flight from Reykjavik, Iceland to JFK on Thursday afternoon. But after a few pieces of duct tape and some well-positioned plastic ties, everyone on-board was apparently able to relax and go back to enjoying City Of Angels." Read More HERE DISCUSS PLEASE!
  12. No the Boeing B787 Dreamliner (just like the Boeing B777) does have Fly-By Wire (FBW) but it is not like the Airbus one.
  13. Ok so your problem is that it is not YET officially recognized? Please explain to me what you mean by "officially managed and organized", does that mean I'm doing something wrong?
  14. Sorry about that.
  15. Today I flew CYUL-KMCO (again ) on a jetBlue Airbus A320 More pictures HERE
  16. a ) This is out first week so don't expect miracles, I'm not god here. b ) Please give me your list of problems that way I can adress them as quickly as possible.
  17. Ok fine so its illegal, but I wil still fly it (probably)...
  18. Do you have actuall proof to bake it up?
  19. Why would I not use the nicest Airbus A319 that I have? It is the Project Oblivion v10 Airbus A319 (livery's: All White, Aeroflot, Air Berlin, Delta, S7 and Rossya).
  20. No project Oblivion or something, a friend converted it from v10 to v9 for me.
  21. Today I was supposed to fly a Tupolev Ty-154M of S7 on the CYUL-KMCO route but I had to take a Aeroflot Airbus A319 instead because of techinal problems. More pictures HERE
  22. Well seems like I'm flying a Airbus A319 today...
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