Now this is what I call funny! I can't stop laughing every-time is see the picture of this guy (moron, idiot, @ss,... you choose really how you wanna call him) ducked-taped in his seat. I can't believe this guy (moron, idiot, @ss,... you choose really how you wanna call him) tried to chock somebody and then decided to go on spiting rampage! "Unruly passengers are an unfortunate reality of air travel—but we've never seen one dealt with so efficiently and effectively! According to a Port Authority spokesman, an "apparently intoxicated" man who was acting "in a disorderly fashion" was restrained by passengers and crew members on an Icelandair flight from Reykjavik, Iceland to JFK on Thursday afternoon. But after a few pieces of duct tape and some well-positioned plastic ties, everyone on-board was apparently able to relax and go back to enjoying City Of Angels." Read More HERE DISCUSS PLEASE!