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Everything posted by wehrlipub

  1. Very nice, thanks.
  2. Of course, Notifications Options. Duh!!
  3. In a word: beautiful. I look forward to the v10 release. Thanks!
  4. On a different note... I noticed that I didn't receive an email notice when a comment was posted to this topic. I selected "Follow this topic" and chose to receive notifications "instantly", all before the replies above were posted... and my email is correct. Am I missing something? Thanks
  5. Not sure if this is the right place to submit, but I'll show some example from the Org.... In the Aircraft category: File InformationSubmitted: Dec 20 2012 01:51 AMLast Updated: Yesterday, 01:44 PMFile Size: UnknownViews: 1054Downloads: 135X-Plane 10 Version: 10.10+Custom Panel: YesCustom 3D cockpit: YesCustom Sounds: YesAircraft Year: 1966 to 1999Reason for Modification : initialManufacturer: Other / not known64bit compatible: YesIn the DSF Scenery Packages category: File InformationSubmitted: Dec 19 2012 01:37 PMLast Updated: Dec 19 2012 01:37 PMFile Size: 466.28KViews: 456Downloads: 77Reason for Modification : Initial uploadAirport Code: KOREUses OpenScenery X: Yes but not requiredWorld Region: USAX-Plane Versions: X-Plane 10 onlyThese lists are very helpful to the community in determining whether or not to download.
  6. Thanks for the welcome, Chris and Cameron. I'll peruse the sight over the coming weeks to get more familiar with it. Right now I'll grab a few goodies from the file library.... Are there any plans to add a features list for aircraft uploads, like x-plane.org's "Custom Panel: Y/N", Custom Sounds: Y/N", etc.?
  7. Greetings, I am new to this community... and quite surprised that I hadn't heard about it until recently considering how long I've been at X-Plane.org. I'm not sure why another community that is nearly the same as X-Plane.org would pop-up, but perhaps it has to do with "drama" I wouldn't want to know about, so we'll skip that and move to a question I'd like to ask here: Are the resources in this "DM" the same as those in X-Plane.org? I.E., Are resources "shared" between the two communities or must each author upload at both sites to ensure file availability in both communities? Thanks! Thanks, The Noob!
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