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  1. With all due respect Goran; if responses didn't take as long as they do, I wouldn't have to file 2 tickets. There is also nowhere that I can read which says original tickets will get pushed back. In fact the second correspondence was a folloow up 'Message' which references the initial ticket number. FYI I don't have the ability to add an exception to this file ... it will not let me even download the file from the website - citing the Trojan virus . All I would like at this point please is a download link to 1.109. I trust that is a simple request ? Respectfully, with thanks.
  2. Thanks . I appreciate the offer but I think it is only proper that X-Aviation support re-issue my installer. Do not want you to risk any copyright infringement. FYI I have filed 2 tickets thus far and no response yet. So frustrating! Cheers
  3. Ok.. Fair enough... so where does this leave me? Without a TBM900 product currently. This is all fine n dandy and I don't doubt there is a conflict or compatability issue .. somwehere . This is not about assigning blame to anyone . I just want a working product and have had no issues with any other add ons for Xplane - including TBM up to this point . I have done multiple sweeps with Anti Malware and Anti Virus and my system is definitely clear .. For what it is worth , my system is also fast enough and configured properly to run the product and 1.0.9. worked flawlessly. As I mentioned earlier .. this could even be a false positive. I am not the expert -- just a frustrated customer who wants his TBM900 back lol. I always assume the updates are for the best and will reneder improvement ... sometimes those updates go awry .. I get that. It woukld be nice to revert back to 1.0.9 or get an installer that is not shut down by Anti Virus. I am simply not comfortable shutting off my AV and should not be forced to do that.
  4. My two cents: I do not think it wise to turn off our anti virus ..even temporarily. Peace of mind and the proper thing to do would be to release an installer that does not house a potential virus or (if false positive) fix the issue and re-release the installer. Sounds like there are also some issues with the update itself - for those who managed to install. Until this is remediated, could you please put verson 1.1.09 back in the downloads section. I completely un-installed to make way for 1.1.0 Thank you.
  5. Same problem here . Also reported by email not sure if it's a false positive but not taking any chances. Hopefully new installer out soon.
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