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Everything posted by luckyluca

  1. SimTiles released! (first post updated). Here's the youtube promo: Please check http://simultools.com/ for videos and instructions Thanks! Luca
  2. SimTiles 1.0 open beta released! this is the successor of simulnight with lots of new features, much faster and no need for photoshop anymore. Check first post for details
  3. Simulnight 1.65 released v1.65 64bit dds loading and saving (should be faster with recent GPU cards) faster elevation query: reduced queries to 5 per file optimized loading and saving of elevations fixed "multiple Sceneries" tab buttons stronger scenery folder checks (it should fail less often in multiple sceneries mode) http://www.simultools.com/simulnight.html
  4. Thanks I noticed the same sounds issue and tadam within a few secs on the support forums found the edited wind file kindly uploaded thanks a lot L
  5. It should work very well with it (I made my own uk photoreal scenery and night textures look great (perhaps a bit too luminous, but still better than fully black):
  6. New version 1.62 released. Check first post for details. Also, manual now online! http://www.simultools.com/simulnight/simulnight_manual.html
  7. at cw7: without taking anything away from Paolo's amazing work, jrollon's results would be of the highest payware level. I didn't know about Vic's spartan, it sounds great! the alterna rework was fantastic. at japo32: well I might have to treat myself to a javelin then! now all I need is to decide whether the t34c or javelin eheh!
  8. Hello Jrollon, first of all congratulations for your work, I'm a fellow 3d artist and flight sim enthusiast myself and really love your creations. I've been thinking about getting the javelin for a while now, being into warbirds and it remarkably reminding me of one. However it doesn't say anywhere whether it comes with normal maps or not (perhaps a future update?). Also does it fly well on 9.6+, being the latest updates for 9.4+ and all :-) Lastly congrats on the t34c, it looks fantastic! Regarding aircrafts to make next, I think military cargo aircrafts haven't taken enough attention in x-plane. My favourite being the C27J spartan, orm mini herc as they call it, with amazing amazing performance, including aerobatics for a dual engine light cargo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-27J_Spartan Regards Luca p.s. do you work for a 3D company?
  9. New version 1.6 lite released! I've updated the first post! I'm not sure it will work with photoshop elements 7, never tried with anything pre CS3. In terms of storage, it's roughly 170kb per 512px night textures and 670kb for 1024px. Also try my latest version 1.6 lite, it's free and you'll quickly be able to assess whether it works for your system. I'm also planning to depart from photoshop and do the image conversions in python directly, but this will be a long term goal
  10. Thanks, After some heavyduty betatesting (thanks to the x-plane.es and x-plane.it users) I'm proud to announce the release of v1.0RC2 here are some screens from the thead at x-plane.es http://www.x-plane.es/modules/smf/index.php?topic=4571.msg44389;topicseen#msg44389
  11. thanks. It shouldn't be too hard to change it ALso it really depends on the artificial lighting of the city you take into consideration. From the ref pics I took Europe has a pretty pinkish orangish hue
  12. You should give it a go and verify that it allows unlimited usage with no lacking features (at least for now). However it is worrying that more than one person is mentioning this so I'll change the description as soon as I can Thanks for the headsup L This counts as crippling the software - the feature being that you don't have to click the button. This is not donationware, it's shareware. Not a criticism of the product.
  13. from wikipedia: Donationware is a licensing model that supplies fully operational software to the user and pleads for an optional donation be paid to the programmer or a third-party beneficiary (usually a non-profit). The amount of the donation may also be stipulated by the author, or it may be left to the discretion of the user, based on individual perceptions of the software's value. Since donationware comes fully operational (i.e. not crippleware) and payment is optional, it is a type of freeware. The software is fully functional and not limited at all. You just need to press the button again after 50 files and it will continue without limitations. I'm making this in goodwill but you raise a good point, the description could be misinterpreted; I'll consider changing it to something else, thank you
  14. what about this? http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=1082.msg9397#msg9397
  15. SimTiles is a program to create night textures and winter textures for x-plane photoreal sceneries. It supports all x-plane photoreal sceneries for x-plane 8.64+, 9, 10. It works on windows and linux and mac (using windows emulation). How to get it It comes in two versions: Lite (Freeware) and Full (Payware). First download and install the Lite version and check functionality. The Lite version is the product installation file; there is no other download! Purchase the license key to unlock the Full features. SimTiles Lite (Freeware) The lite version allows unlimited files to be created with a single hardcoded preset and rule and is requires to press the resume button every 50 files. SimTiles Full (Payware) The full version adds the following features: -No Resume button pushing required every 50 files -Color editing -Rules editing -Colors and rules presets management -Three presets driven by tile elevation (city,hill,mountain) -Multiple sceneries batch creation -Output resolution choice (from 512 to 2048pixels) ---Requirements--- You need to have the following in order to use SimTiles: -one or more photoreal sceneries for x-plane -windows, Mac*, Linux* -Imagemagick, an easy to install fantastic freeware opensource tool *using emulators, windows parallel virtualbox etc. ---Installation--- 1) install imagemagick from http://www.imagemagi...9cqt7q0#windows 2) extract the simtiles zip into a folder 3) make sure you have x-plane with global scenery installed for the required 1x1 degrees scenery 4) execute simTiles.exe 5) under preferences set Imagemagick root folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.7.3-Q16 ) XPLANE root folder (i.e. D:\X-Plane 9 ) 6) if you purchased the full license enter the emailed code to unlock the full version (requires restart)
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